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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                                                        February 28 - March 2, 2024                                        Providence, Rhode Island

                                         est S
                                  Interest Sessions
         Emil Adler is an Emmy Award-winning composer with                   Growth Mindset:
         October Project.                                           Striving for Improvement in Yourself

         Julie Flanders is an ACDA Genesis Prize-winning writ-              and Your Ensemble
         er (“Holding our Breath”) with October Project.
                                                               How can our mindset improve our daily lives and
         Marina Belica is a vocalist/producer with October Proj-  the ensembles we work with? This session dives into
         ect.                                               that question by examining different approaches to our
                                                            mindsets, understanding the science and research be-
                                                            hind a mindset, presenting strategies and examples for
                                                            implementing a growth mindset in an ensemble, and
                                                            exploring how the growth mindset can be used to ad-
                                                            dress  current societal  issues  like diversity  and equity.
                                                            In the session, participants will learn about their own
                                                            mindset tendencies, gain ideas for creating an environ-
                                                            ment of growth, and discover ways to promote equity
                                                            and inclusivity in our ensembles and our field.

                                                                        Trevor Tran is the former head of perform-
           Their award-winning virtual choirs, the Worldwide            ing arts and director of vocal arts at Fort
         Choir of Return to Me (Gold Telly, 2023) and Virtual           Myers High School in Southwest Florida.
         Choir of Joy (Telly & Anthem Award, 2021), were each           He was recognized as a 2023 Yamaha “40
         in contention for a Grammy, along with the group’s first       under  40” Educator  for his  work there.
         choral work, The Book of  Rounds: 21 Songs of  Grace.   Besides serving as an educator, Tran is an active com-
                                                            poser and presenter, with his work appearing at state,
                    Kirsten Oberoi is the founder and artistic   regional, and national music educator conferences. He
                    director  of the  South  Shore  Children’s   holds a BM from San José State University, concurrent
                    Chorus, currently serving over 170 singers   master’s degrees in choral conducting and music com-
                    from the greater South Shore of Massa-  position from Temple University, and is currently pur-
                    chusetts. Oberoi taught public school mu-  suing a DMA in choral conducting at the University of
         sic and chorus for eight years. Regarded as a unique   Maryland.
         and creative choral artist and arts entrepreneur, she is
         known for her strong philosophies based on inclusion
         and equity in the music education classroom. She is fre-    The Impact of Communal Singing
         quently invited to guest conduct festival choirs. Projects
         in 2024 include conducting the New Hampshire MEA           on Those Affected by Homelessness
         Southeastern Junior  Districts Festival,  the  Connecti-
         cut MEA Northern Region Junior Honor Choir, and       The Dallas Street Choir has received great attention
         adjudicating for the Rhode Island ACDA Elementary   for its use of choral music to create a safe and affirm-
         School Choral Festival.                            ing community for those most marginalized by society.
                                                            Through engaged performances and educational out-
         South Shore Children’s Chorus will be the demonstra-  reach, the Dallas Street Choir has become a bridge to
         tion choir for this session.                       the “housed”  community, sparking  conversations  on

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