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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                                                        February 28 - March 2, 2024                                        Providence, Rhode Island

                                  Interest Sessions
                                  In t er est S essions

         sion for the Planet and continues to champion that work.   from beauty and gratitude into darkness and out again
         As a performer, she has commissioned and premiered   into hope. Hudson holds degrees in composition from
         dozens of vocal works in Austria and the United States.   Oberlin and New  England  Conservatory and has
         Pearson has degrees in vocal performance from Ober-  twenty years’ experience as a choral conductor.
         lin and Eastman and is manager of concerts, program-
         ming, and publicity at Amherst College.                        Chris Shepard is music director of three
                                                                        choral ensembles: The Masterwork Cho-
         Arianne Abela will be a clinician for this session. Her        rus, based in Morristown, NJ; CON-
         photo and bio are on page 35.                                  CORA, a professional choir in Hartford,
                                                                        CT; and the Worcester Chorus in central
                    Emily Isaacson  is  fiercely  committed  to   Massachusetts. With these choirs, Shepard has  per-
                    reimagining  classical music for  today’s   formed a wide range of repertoire, including Consider-
                    audience. She is founder and artistic di-  ing Matthew Shepard and A Passion for the Planet. He holds
                    rector of Classical Uprising, a performing   degrees from the Hartt School, Yale, and the Univer-
                    arts  collective  serving over  6,000 musi-  sity of Sydney. His PhD dissertation won the ACDA’s
         cians and music lovers that believes classical music   2012 Julius Herford Prize for outstanding doctoral the-
         must rise up, challenge current norms, and re-envision   sis in choral music.
         where, how, and for whom we are making music. For
         this work, Isaacson was named the 2018 Maine Artist
         of the Year, one of the 50 Mainers Leading the State,
         and the 2022 winner of the American Prize.                      “Real Talk” in Rehearsal:

                                                                     Cultivating a Sense of Belonging
                    Anthony Trecek-King has  cultivated  an
                    international reputation as a choral con-
                    ductor,  scholar,  pedagogue,  and  media   How can we as choral educators create an environ-
                    personality over the past twenty years. He   ment that is maximally engaging and relevant to our
                    is passionate about cultivating artistically   students  in order  to  cultivate  a  sense of  belonging?
         excellent ensembles that explore socially relevant issues   This session answers this question by examining ways
         through emotionally immersive programs, challenging   to implement Paul Hernandez’s innovative “Pedagogy
         both artists and audiences to feel and think. Longtime   of Real Talk” in the choral rehearsal. By the end of
         director of the Boston Children’s Chorus, Trecek-King   this session, participants will have a clear understand-
         has recently been appointed as both an associate pro-  ing of the theoretical underpinnings of the Pedagogy,
         fessor of choral music and director of choral activities   methods for directly incorporating it into choral re-
         at The Hartt School, University of Hartford, and a res-  hearsal spaces, and specific successful examples of how
         ident conductor with the Handel and Haydn Society.  it has been used with choral ensembles.

                    Geoffrey Hudson’s  music  has  been  per-           Jonathan Harvey is associate professor of
                    formed across the United States and Eu-             music and director of choirs at Fitchburg
                    rope. His 2019 eco-oratorio, A Passion for          State University (MA), and music direc-
                    the  Planet,  blends  scientific  prose,  poetry,   tor of the Brattleboro Concert Choir and
                    and sacred texts from many faiths. Pre-             the Brattleboro Camerata (VT). He also
         miered by  Tony  Thornton and the Illuminati Vocal   serves on the board of Choral Arts New England as
         Arts Ensemble in 2019 and revived by Chris Shepard   the Grants Chair. Harvey holds a DMA in conducting
         and CONCORA  in 2023, the  Passion  traces  an arc   and music history from the University of Connecticut,

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