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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                                                            February 28 - March 2, 2024                                      Providence, Rhode Island

                               Headliners/Special Events
                               H eadliners/S    pecial E   v en ts

                           Coro Allegro                                Rhode Island Children’s Chorus

                                                                                        The Rhode Island Chil-
                                                                                        dren’s Chorus (RICC)
                                                                                        was co-founded in 2003
                                                                                        by  Christine Noel  and
                                                                                        Joyce Wolfe. Currently
                                                                                        serving over  200 stu-
                                                                                        dents  across seven  cho-
                                                                                        ral  ensembles, RICC  is
                                                                                        led  by  a  devoted  staff,
                                                                                        many of whom were
           Coro Allegro is Boston’s award-winning LGBTQ+                                once members of the
        and allied classical  chorus. Under the leadership  of                          chorus  themselves. Our
        Artistic Director David Hodgkins, Coro Allegro builds                           rehearsals focus equally
        bridges  between  disparate  communities  and  offers  a                        on the advancement of
        diverse three-concert series plus numerous collabora-  musical and vocal skills and an emphasis on self-esteem
        tions in Greater Boston. Coro Allegro reaches national   and  leadership  development.  We  value  and  celebrate
        and international audiences through digital program-  diversity, and we appreciate learning from others who
        ming, radio broadcasts, festival performances, and four   come  from  different  backgrounds.  The  Rhode  Island
        commercial recordings, including a new release of We   Children’s Chorus has collaborated with the Rhode Is-
        Are Here in January 2024. In 2008, Coro Allegro estab-  land Philharmonic  and other  professional ensembles.
        lished the  Daniel Pinkham Award in recognition  of   RICC performed at the 2009 convention of NAfME,
        outstanding contributions to classical music and to the   three ACDA conferences, and at Carnegie Hall.
        LGBTQ+ community.
                                                                       Christine  Noel co-founded the RI Chil-
                   David Hodgkins is artistic director of Coro         dren’s Chorus in August 2003 with Joyce
                   Allegro in Boston and The New England               Wolfe. She conducted RICC at ACDA
                   Classical Singers in Andover, director  of          conferences in Philadelphia, Baltimore,
                   music  at The Commonwealth  School in               and Providence. She is also the artistic di-
                   Boston, and advanced conducting instruc-  rector  of the Providence Singers, which  she  conducts
        tor at the Kodály Music Institute. Hodgkins has served   each year in Handel’s Messiah with the RI Philharmonic.
        as guest conductor and collaborator with many ensem-  Noel is an active guest conductor, clinician, and adjudi-
        bles and made numerous festival appearances as guest   cator. She has served on the music faculty and as director
        conductor and clinician. With Coro Allegro, Hodgkins   of choral activities at Clark University. She received an
        has performed at Chorus America, ACDA, and GALA     MM and DMA in conducting from Boston University.
        music  festivals, received the 2012 Chorus America   Fluent  in Italian,  she completed  Italian  studies at  the
        Alice Parker/ASCAP  Award and the 2019 ASCAP        University of Florence. She is also a graduate of Rhode
        Adventurous Programming Award, and released four    Island College and the Kodály Institute of Music in Ke-
        critically acclaimed CDs. Their January 2024 Coro Al-  cskemét, Hungary.
        legro release, We Are Here, features “Rage Against the
        tyrant(s)” by Kareem Roustom and “Aluta Continua”
        by Eric Banks, on the Navona label.

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