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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                                                           February 28 - March 2, 2024                                       Providence, Rhode Island

                               Headliners/Special Events
                                                pecial E
           The  2024 ACDA Eastern Region  Conference  in    is a dynamic and acclaimed group of young artists
        Providence, Rhode Island, will celebrate the power of   known for their vibrant performances and innovative
        both our individual and collective voice. The confer-  programming. Named “Ambassadors of Harmony,”
        ence will include 8 Invited Choirs, 15 adjudicated Per-  BCC  presents 50+  annual  performances in diverse
        forming Choirs, 3 adjudicated Insight Choirs, 4 Honor   venues from Symphony  Hall to the  White  House.
        Choirs, 8 Deep Dive Repertoire Sessions, 4 Immersion   They’ve graced TED talks, local media, and shared
        Choirs, 4 Student Conducting Masterclasses, and 30   stages with luminaries like Idina Menzel and Hugh
        adjudicated Interest Sessions.                      Jackman. Notably, their collaboration on “Fantastic
           Deep Dive  Repertoire  Sessions  will focus  on 3-5   Mr. Fox” won a Grammy in 2020. BCC’s excellence
        pieces discussing context and sharing successful peda-  was acknowledged with the National Arts and Hu-
        gogical tools.                                      manities Youth Program Award in 2013, celebrated
           Immersion Choirs will take the form of two open   at the White House with Michelle Obama.
        rehearsals focusing on performance practice issues. At-
        tendees will select a choir to participate in during the        Kenneth Griffith serves as the  music
        online registration process.                                    director  and principal  conductor of
           All  conference  performances will  take  place  in          Boston Children’s Chorus (BCC), lead-
        Grace  Episcopal Church in downtown Providence,                 ing the Premier Choir and guiding the
        with the Honor Choirs performing in Veterans Memo-              artistic programs. His warm, demand-
        rial Auditorium. All other conference sessions will be in   ing approach resonates with young performers, fos-
        the Rhode Island Convention Center. The two confer-  tering connections from elementary to collegiate lev-
        ence hotels are the Omni Providence and the Graduate   els. Noteworthy performances under  his  leadership
        Providence.                                         include venues like Boston’s Symphony Hall, collabo-
                                                            rations with acclaimed artists like Idina Menzel and
                                                            Lawrence Brownlee, and a recent  tour  to Canada.
                Wednesday Night Opening Concert             Griffith  is  passionate  about  the  role  of  singing  in
                                                            bringing together diverse communities and leading to
                                                            social change. Apart from BCC, he recently prepared

                     Boston Children’s Chorus               a chorus for Anthony Davis’s Pulitzer-winning opera,
                                                            X: The Life & Times of  Malcolm X, earning a Grammy
                                                            nomination in 2023. Griffith holds degrees from Cap-
                                                            ital University and Bard College.

           Boston Children’s Chorus (BCC)  harnesses the
        power of music to connect Boston’s diverse communi-
        ties, cultivate empathy, and inspire social inquiry. BCC

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