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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                Interest Sessions
                                       est S
                    You Are the Voice Teacher:              in a choral ensemble and singing in applied lessons?
              Teaching Technique and Authenticity of        This session will provide practical applications of how
                Vocal Production in Choral Singing          to teach singers to find and use their authentic voices
                                                            by  sharing  suggestions from  various vocal pedagogy
                                                            approaches, including Estill Voice. It is applicable to
           “Blend. Drop your jaw. Straight tone. Darker.” Most   directors working with high school, college, and older
        people have likely heard one of these phrases before   community singers.
        in a choir, but do these ideas really help inexperienced
        singers? What terminology can we use to give clarity to   Amy Johnston Blosser will be a clinician for this ses-
        singers that connects them in a relatable way and takes   sion. Her photo and bio are on page 58.
        away some of the mystery? Choral directors are the
        primary voice teachers for our singers. Are we teaching   C. Andrew Blosser will be a clinician for this session.
        them the pedagogy behind their instrument in terms   His photo and bio are on page 58.
        that  are clear  and concrete? Additionally, how can
        we bridge what can be a disconnect between singing

                                 2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference

                                Honor Choir Conductors
                                H onor C   hoir C  onduc   t ors

                                                            and a BME from the Crane School Music at SUNY
                         4-6 Treble Choir                   Potsdam.

                    Mary Biddlecombe  is  director  of the
                    Vanderbilt Blair Academy, and the artis-
                    tic director of Vanderbilt Youth Choirs,                  7-9 TB Choir
                    where  she oversees six graded  youth
                    choirs. In addition to her work with the
        Blair Academy, she teaches collegiate courses in mu-            Amon Eady serves as the director of cho-
        sic education  and choral  literature  and  conducts the        ral activities at Central Michigan Univer-
        Vanderbilt University Singers. Biddlecombe is a spe-            sity, where  he  conducts four  ensembles
        cialist  in children’s voices, particularly middle  school      and teaches undergraduate  and gradu-
        and secondary choral settings. She has conducted all-           ate choral conducting, and choral litera-
        state choruses for Alabama, Florida, and Georgia as   ture. Before arriving at CMU, Eady taught at both the
        well as regional honor choirs in ten states. In 2022 she   middle school and high school levels for nine years in
        served as co-conductor of the UCTB Honor Choir for   the White Station community of Memphis, Tennessee,
        the Southern ACDA Region Conference as well as the   where he was named the 2014 Tennessee Music Edu-
        Children’s Choir  Clinician  for  the  Montreat  Music’s   cator of the year. Eady has conducted performances
        Worship Conference. Biddlecombe holds an MM in      and given presentations at state, region, and national
        choral conducting  from  the Florida State  University   conferences of ACDA and NAfME. Eady serves as the

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