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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                  Denver, Colorado

        president of Michigan ACDA. He holds a BME and                          Collegiate
        an MM from the University of Southern Mississippi, as
        well as PhD in choral conducting and music education
        from the Florida State University.                              Betsy Cook Weber is  the Madison  En-
                                                                        dowed Professor of Music and Director
                                                                        of Choral Studies at the  University  of
                         7-9 Treble Choir                               Houston Moores School of Music  and
                                                                        is also active internationally as a conduc-
                                                            tor, clinician, adjudicator, and lecturer. Choirs under
                    Tammy Carney holds  a BME from the      Weber’s direction, including the University of Houston
                    University  of Mississippi  and an MME   Concert Chorale, have been featured at multiple state
                    from the University of Southern Missis-  and national conventions including the ACDA Nation-
                    sippi. She is the director of choral activi-  al Conferences in 2007 and 2017. Weber also served
        ties at Long Beach High School in Long Beach, Missis-  for eight seasons as director of the Houston Symphony
        sippi. Over the past twenty-nine years, her choirs and   Chorus, preparing programs for some of the world’s
        ensembles have been recognized with numerous awards   leading orchestral conductors. In 2013, Weber became
        and have performed at the Kennedy Center, Carnegie   the first woman to receive the Texas Choral Directors
        Hall, Lincoln Center, and the Grand Ole Opry. In 2018,   Association’s Texas Choirmaster Award. She serves as
        Petal Middle School awarded Carney Teacher of the   editor of the Betsy Cook Weber Choral Series with Alliance
        Year. She was selected as Clinton Junior High Teacher   Music Publishing.
        of the Year in 2012. In 2016 she was honored with the
        ACDA Ernestine Ferrell Award for Choral Excellence
        and the Mississippi Music Educator of the Year Award.
        She is an active church musician and clinician conduct-    Contemporary A Cappella - Collegiate
        ing honor choirs in Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi.

                                                                        J. D. Frizzell  is  the  director  of  fine  arts
                                                                        and director of vocal music at Briarcrest
                        10-12 Mixed Choir                               Christian School in Memphis, Tennessee.

                                                                        His ensembles have performed at region-
                    Jabarie Glass is the associate director of          al, national, and international conven-
                    choral studies at the University of South   tions. Winner of the Integrales Composition Contest,
                    Carolina,  where  he  conducts Univer-  Frizzell has had many best-selling compositions and ar-
                    sity Chorus and Gamecock Chorale and    rangements. He also co-authored A Cappella Warm Ups
                    teaches undergraduate  and graduate     with Deke Sharon and Teaching Music Through Performance
        courses in conducting and choral  pedagogy. Choral   in A Cappella with Deke Sharon and Marc Silverberg.
        organizations under his leadership have been selected   He is the president of the A Cappella Education As-
        to  perform at  Southern ACDA Region,  Mississippi   sociation and the founder of The National A Cappella
        ACDA, and the South  Carolina MEA.  Glass  earned   Convention. OneVoice, his a cappella group, is a Sony
        dual bachelor’s  degrees in  business  management  and   Recording Artist with over 100 million downloads and
        music education from the University of Mississippi, an   streams. They have performed at the Emmys and on
        MME from the Florida State University College of Mu-  America’s Got Talent.
        sic, and a doctoral degree in conducting from the Uni-
        versity of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance.

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