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February 16-19, 2022                                                                   Chicago, Illinois

        faculty, staff, and students in educa-  will support vibrant, purposeful, and  earned her BM at Iowa State Uni-
        tional development programming to   cohesive ensembles.              versity. Through a Rotary Ambas-
        improve student learning. Garrett                                    sadorial Scholarship, she completed
        holds a BME and a PhD from the     Stephen Sieck is the clinician for  an MM at the University of Wales,
        Florida State University. He earned   this session. His photo and bio are  Bangor, and was recently awarded
        a MM from Boston University.       on page 41.                       her DMA from the University of
                                                                             Miami, Frost School of Music.
                    Joshua Palkki (he/
                    him) serves as assis-                                                Christopher McGinley
                    tant professor of music          Maestras of                         is a conductor and mu-
                    education at Califor-            Masterworks                         sic educator based in
                    nia State University,                                                the Twin Cities,  where
        Long Beach. He is also artist in res-                                            he directs music at
        idence with South Bay Children’s     A recent study by National Public   Trinity Lutheran Congregation. He
        Choir in Torrance, CA. He holds    Radio shows that only 2% of music   is the associate director of choral ac-
        degrees from Michigan State Uni-   featured on major concert stages is   tivities at the University of Wiscon-
        versity, Northern Arizona Universi-  by women. This session explores the   sin–Eau Claire (music education and
        ty, and Ball State University. He is   lives and music of remarkable wom-  directing Novum Voce, Symphonic
        a sought-after guest conductor and   en from the last 1,000 years who   Choir, and The Singing Statesmen).
        scholar on LGBTQ issues.           composed multi-movement works     He holds degrees in conducting and
                                           for choir. Repertoire for treble, bass,   music education from the Universi-
                                           and mixed ensembles is available,   ty of Minnesota, University of Or-
                                           along with instrumentation options   egon, and University of Delaware
                  “Isn’t Music a           ranging from a cappella works to   and pursued further studies in con-
             Universal Language?” –        those involving full orchestral ac-  ducting at the University of Miami

           Conversations about Cultural    companiments. Learn where to fi nd   Frost School of Music.
                                           these often overlooked gems and
          Appropriation for the Hesitant   leave with a database of suggestions
                                           for major works by women. Partici-
           The rise in public conversations   pants will have visual access to scores   Margaret Hillis—
        about cultural appropriation has   and be asked to actively sing and lis-  Unlocking Her Approach
        been met with anxiety by many cho-  ten to excerpts from select compos-       from Score Study
        ral directors. For those who went   ers.
        into this profession believing that we                                     to Rehearsal Planning
        would make the world a better place           Jami Lercher is assis-
        by singing one another’s songs, these         tant professor of cho-   Margaret Hillis was a pioneer of
        conversations may even feel like an           ral music education  choral methods. After studying with
        attack. This presentation draws from          at Baldwin Wallace  Robert Shaw at Juilliard, Hillis de-
        the presenter’s  2017 book  Teaching          Conservatory in Berea,  veloped her own ideas of building a
        with Respect to unpack the challeng-  Ohio. She conducts the BW Treble  chorus. Hillis was dedicated to build-
        es and opportunities presented in   Choir and teaches courses in cho-  ing a level of musicianship and pre-
        teaching and performing music out-  ral methods, conducting, and vocal  cision that she had experienced as an
        side of your own expertise. Stephen   techniques. Lercher spent 14 years  instrumentalist. Her regimented ap-
        Sieck will share a tool-kit of resourc-  teaching elementary and secondary  proach to unlocking a score fostered
        es and pedagogical strategies that   music in Iowa and Minnesota. She  her score markings, rehearsal plan-

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