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2022 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference
Interest Sessions
have often been excluded from our University, MM from Westminster
Expanding the
choral history. Links to scores and Choir College, and BA from Central
Choral Canon audio will be provided for every rep- College.
ertoire example.
Programming Renaissance and
Baroque music can be challenging Liza Calisesi Maidens
regardless of your choral forces or is the director of choral Honoring Trans and
budget, but there are fl exible voicing activities at the Univer- Gender-Expansive Singers
and accompaniment options as well sity of Illinois-Chicago.
as specific rehearsal strategies that Prior to her appoint- Trans and gender-expansive
can meaningfully engage your en- ment at UIC, she was a member of (TGE) singers deserve safe and
sembles. In addition to uncovering the conducting faculty at Eastern empowering spaces to engage in
more approachable works by well- Michigan University. Calisesi Maid- high-quality choral music experienc-
known composers of the Renais- ens’s research centers around the ex- es. Drawing from their new Oxford
sance and Baroque eras, the session pansion of the choral canon. She re- University Press book, Honoring Trans
will also highlight many voices who ceived her DMA at Michigan State and Gender-Expansive Students in Music
Education, the presenters will provide
context and practical suggestions for
working with students who inhab-
it a variety of spaces among gen-
der-identity and gender expression
continuums. Choral director-educa-
tors will have opportunities to refl ect
on their own choral settings, engage
in a discussion of policies, consider
instructional strategies, and practice
healthy group vocal techniques (e.g.
semi-occluded vocal tract exercises)
that will honor singers from all age
Matthew Garrett (he/
him) is associate pro-
fessor of music edu-
cation, coordinator of
undergraduate studies
Dale Warland at 90! in music education, and director of
the university center for innovation
A LEGACY CELEBRATION 2021-2022 CONCERT SEASON in teaching and education (UCITE)
Sun 03.13.21, 3:00p Order tickets today! at Case Western Reserve University.
Orchestra Hall, Minneapolis He teaches undergraduate and grad-
Featuring a world premiere by Timothy C. Takach uate courses in music education, co-
(lyrics by Brian Newhouse) as well as works
championed by Dale throughout his career. ordinates the music education licen-
sure program, and leads university
46 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5