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2022 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference

                                            Interest Sessions

            Recruitment Techniques to      community and academic settings to  ventory (IDI) Assessment tool. At-
                                           reinvent their mission, membership,  tendees will receive a blueprint for
           Rebuild Your Music Program
                                           and audience experience without  creating intercultural programming
                                           changing their budget, personnel,  that is moldable to diff erent  mis-
          The COVID-19 pandemic has        and fundamental choral structure.  sions, visions, age groups, budget siz-
        presented unprecedented challeng-  Conductors and managers of estab-  es, and timelines.
        es to educational systems across the   lished independent choruses are the
        nation, and music has suff ered more   primary audience for this session;         Jacob Stensberg cur-
        than most. Recruiting students in   however, the process is eff ective for        rently works with the
        order to rebuild our programs is at   any chorus seeking to be outreach          choirs at Purdue Uni-
        the forefront of many of our minds.   and relevancy-driven.  Time for            versity in West Lafay-
        In this presentation, participants will   workshopping your ideas and chal-      ette, Indiana. He di-
        explore several avenues of recruit-  lenges will be included.        rects, accompanies, composes, and
        ment, identify best practices in social                              arranges for eight of the groups at
        media and marketing, and discuss              Jennifer Rodgers is the  Purdue while remaining active as a
        how to capture the attention and              assistant director of  performer and clinician throughout
        interest of students. Participants will       choral activities and an  the state. Stensberg’s choral passions
        also examine methods to establish             assistant professor of  include sacred Renaissance polyph-
        and develop the active and positive           teaching in voice and  ony, music written yesterday, and
        support of administrators.         choral at Iowa State University. Her  music passed down in the oral tra-
                                           career as a conductor, teacher, and  dition.  Stensberg received a BME
                    Dean Jilek is director   performer reflects her passion for us-  from Carroll University in Wauke-

                    of choral activities   ing music to start conversations and  sha, WI, and an MM from Butler
                    at the University of   address social issues. Prior to her  University in Indianapolis, IN.
                    North Dakota, where    work in academia,  Rodgers founded
                    he conducts the Con-   a theater company uniting art, edu-
        cert Choir, Enöxa, the Varsity Bards,   cation, and community service.
        and Goliards, and teaches courses in                                   So Much to Do; So Little Time:
        choral conducting, choral literature,                                 Managing Cognitive Load in the
        and vocal methods. He also serves    Singing is Essential: Resilient     Choral Rehearsal Through
        as the artistic director of the Grand
        Forks Chorale and Master Chorale.      Intercultural Pedagogies           Movement and Gesture
        Jilek earned his DMA from the Uni-
        versity of North Texas and his MM    This session explores intercultur-  This presentation focuses on
        from North Dakota State University.   al pedagogies for authentic musical  the challenges of cognitive load in
                                           experiences and the development of  the choral classroom and methods
                                           intercultural knowledge and compe-  for managing cognitive overload
                                           tency. The research focuses on the  throughout the ensemble rehearsal.
                   A Rubric for            student experience, growth in the six  How often do students create con-
                Choral Relevance           areas of intercultural competency as  cept maps or explore their own ges-
                                           laid out by the Association of Amer-  tures? Generative studies show that
          In this interactive session, Jennifer   ican Colleges and Universities, and  incorporating students’ experiences
        Rodgers will share her process that   orientation scores as determined by  and perspectives into the learning
        has led her traditional choruses in   the Intercultural Development In-  process leads to more interaction

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