Page 53 - Jan.indd
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February 16-19, 2022 Chicago, Illinois
with long-term memory and deep- voice, and music educa- ern Illinois University. Prior to her
er understanding. Special focus will tion as areas of special- studies in Illinois, she taught middle
be given to the incorporation of ization and interest. She school choir and general music in
Dalcroze, Laban, and Estill Voice is in the process of ob- Worcester, MA. She holds a BME
Training gestures to enhance tech- taining an MM at West- from Susquehanna University.
nical outcomes in the choral re-
hearsal. This will be a very active
singing and moving session with
ideas for all ages.
“one of this country’s leading conservatories.”
– The New York Times
Brian J. Winnie is
the director of choral
activities at Western
Illinois University,
where he teaches un-
dergraduate and graduate choral
conducting and literature courses
and conducts the University Sing-
ers and Chamber Singers. He is an
Estill Mentor and Course Instruc-
tor and Master Trainer of Estill
Voice Training. Winnie received a WELCOME TO YOUR
BME from the Pennsylvania State
University, MME from the Univer- NEX T ST A G E .
sity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign,
and DMA from the University of
Washington. Tomorrow’s arts leaders and luminaries get their start at UC’s nationally
ranked and internationally renowned College-Conservatory of Music.
Sean Foster is a Dedicated to training leaders who can serve all communities, CCM’s
graduate assistant in MM and DMA choral conducting programs prepare the next generation
of conductors to change the world of music. CCM trains student
choral conducting at entrepreneurs who envision a new wave of performance and pedagogy that
Western Illinois Uni- values transformative musical experiences.
versity in Macomb, Students access a powerful network of CCM faculty and choral conducting
IL, and is pursuing his teaching alumni who are in leadership positions throughout the world. With a wide
licensure. Prior to moving to Ma- range of ensembles and performance opportunities, CCM prepares
conductors for successful, lifelong careers in the choral arts.
comb, Foster was the director of
music ministries at Grace Presby- Your future is calling. Take your next step at
terian Church in Wichita, KS, and CHORAL STUDIES FACULTY
the choir accompanist at Goddard
High School in Goddard, KS. He
holds a BM in Vocal Performance
from Wichita State University.
Professor of Music Professor of Music
Sierra Jesanis is a multi-faceted Director of Choral # NextLivesHere
musician with choral conducting,
CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5 51