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2022 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference

                                            Interest Sessions

                 Tuning Together           agogical approach, and strategies   He is a former director of the New
                     as One                to use in rehearsals with their own   Zealand Secondary Students’ Choir,
                                           choirs.                           University of Canterbury Cham-
                                                                             ber Choir, Christchurch City Choir,
          Just Intonation (an approach                Andrew Withington is   Christchurch Schools’ Music Festi-
        where notes are tuned to the natural          assistant professor of   val and Christchurch Boys’ Choir.
        overtones of the voice, rather than a         music, director of cho-
        tempered instrument, such as the pi-          ral activities, and voice
        ano) is a useful tool in optimizing the       area head at Westmin-          Warming Up Your
        vocal resonance in, and enhancing  ster College. He completed a BM
        the intonation of, unaccompanied  in conducting, orchestration, and          Adolescent Choirs:
        choral music. This interest session  analysis at the University of Can-      A "How-To" Guide
        will demonstrate how easy it is to  terbury, and after three years as a
        teach Just Intonation in rehearsals–  school teacher, Withington complet-  This “nuts and bolts” session will
        without all the math! Delegates will  ed an MM in choral conducting at   explore the issues and challenges of
        leave this seminar having experi-  the University of Auckland. He has   building healthy adolescent singing
        enced an intuitive, easy-to-use ped-  a PhD in music (choral pedagogy).   voices. The clinician will discuss such

                                                           CINCINNA TI

                                                       FES TIV AL  2022

                                                        Discover the Voice in Everything
                                          Celebrating voices of the Americas, including Villa-Lobos,
                                             Bernstein’s Candide, Jessie Montgomery, and more.
                                                     John Adams conducts El Niño, and
                                            Principal Conductor Juanjo Mena leads Beethoven’s
                                              paean to our shared humanity, Symphony No. 9.


                                                We look forward to welcoming you to Cincinnati
                                                    for the 2023 ACDA National Conference!

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