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February 16-19, 2022                                                                   Chicago, Illinois

                      Urbandale High School                                Waukee High School

                        Urbandale Singers                                       A Cappella

           Urbandale Singers is the premier choral ensemble at   A Cappella is the premiere ensemble at Waukee High

        Urbandale High School. Forty-five students in grades  School. The choir tours frequently throughout the re-
        10-12 have earned their membership in Singers through  gion as well as internationally. A Cappella has twice been
        a rigorous audition process that includes solo singing,  selected to perform at national ACDA conferences in ad-
        sight-reading, and tonal memory components. In 2016,  dition to performing at multiple regional conferences. A
        Urbandale Singers was selected to perform at the North  Cappella has been selected for a number of honors and
        Central ACDA Conference in Sioux Falls. They were  performance opportunities including the Luther Col-
        also invited to perform at the inaugural Iowa Choral  lege’s Dorian Choral Invitational, the featured choir at
        Showcase in 2017 as the large high school division repre-  Wartburg’s Meistersinger Honor Choir Festival, and the
        sentative. Most recently, the choir performed at the 2019  feature 4A ensemble for ICDA’s Iowa Choral Showcase.
        ACDA National Conference in Kansas City.

                                                                       Jeff  Knutson is in his fifth year at Waukee
                    Theodore Brimeyer is director of choirs            High School, where he directs A Cappella,
                    at Urbandale High School in Urbandale,             two bass clef ensembles, Millennium (the
                    Iowa. He is part of an active vocal music          varsity show choir), Avenue Jazz (the var-
                    program at UHS enrolling 315 students in           sity jazz choir), and oversees the logistical
                    six performing ensembles. His curricular  aspects of a large high school choral program. Knutson
        duties include leading Urbandale Singers and Concert  received his bachelor’s degree from Luther College and
        Choir. Brimeyer’s professional training includes an MM  his master’s degree in choral conducting from Michi-
        from Michigan State University and a BM in Vocal Mu-  gan State University. Knutson serves as the High School
        sic Education and German from Iowa State University.  R&R Chair for the Iowa Choral Directors Association.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            43
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