Page 51 - Jan.indd
P. 51
February 16-19, 2022 Chicago, Illinois
Our Dance: to improve the rhythmic abilities of Process, Poise, Presence —
Gestural Creativity choirs at every level. Tools from the
and Connection Eric Wilkinson is the Alexander Technique for
director of the Wan- Well-Being in Music and Daily Life
Our gestural leadership as con- do High School Choir
ductors must first come from the in Mt. Pleasant, South In this workshop, we will explore
score and then our imaginations, Carolina. His choirs embodied mindfulness practices
but sometimes we struggle when have performed at the Southern from the Alexander Technique that
our gesture doesn’t reflect the same ACDA Region Conference along foster well-being in singing, conduct-
creativity and variety that the music with solo concerts in Carnegie Hall, ing, teaching, and life. These tools
demands. Many conductors experi- St. Peter’s Basilica, the Washing- help reduce stress, improve kines-
ence a loss of kinesthetic inspiration ton National Cathedral and Pearl thetic awareness, empower your
and connection, feeling that their Harbor. Wilkinson is a National breath, encourage healthy body me-
gesture is repetitive or ineff ective. Board-Certifi ed Teacher and was chanics without tension, deal with
This presentation will off er a unique awarded the Milken Family Foun- anxiety in mindful ways, and open
perspective on building and refi ning dation National Educator Award in the door to whole-self presence on
a gestural vocabulary that establish- 2007. stage and off. This participatory ses-
es and analyzes broad principles sion is intended for conductors and
of motion and then draws on ex- Matt Taylor is an asso- singers in choirs of all types. Session
tra-musical disciplines and resources ciate choral director at attendees will leave with practical
for continued, creative inspiration. Wando High School tools to take to rehearsal and put
The audience will participate as a in Mount Pleasant, into practice immediately.
demonstration choir. South Carolina, where
he has directed the intermediate and Meagan Johnson (MM,
Kimberly Dunn Adams is the cli- advanced treble choirs. Taylor has M.AmSAT) is a certi-
nician for this session. Her bio and served as a conductor for district and fied Alexander Tech-
photo are on page 45. university honor choirs in the great- nique teacher, choral
er Charleston area. He is frequently conductor, and voice
commissioned as a choral arranger educator based in Indianapolis. She
and has produced choral works for
Precision is the Vision: is artistic director of the Indianapo-
churches, high schools, and universi- lis Women’s Chorus, and maintains
Teaching Strategies to Improve ties. He is currently working toward an active studio teaching Alexander
Rhythm Performance Skills his DMA at the University of Geor- Technique and voice, in-person and
gia. online. Johnson has served on the
The right note at the wrong time faculties of the Indiana University
is still wrong. Rhythmic precision Jacobs School of Music, University
is a cornerstone for all successful of Indianapolis, and Marian Uni-
musicians and ensembles. Practical versity. She holds BM and MM from
rhythm teaching strategies are essen- Ithaca College and completed the
tial when we work to build stronger 1,600-hour teacher certifi cation at
sight-readers and better choirs. This Alexander Technique Urbana.
session will provide attendees with a
comprehensive approach to rhythm
reading and present new strategies
CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5 49