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2022 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference
Interest Sessions
ning, and conducting gestures. It was Navigating Cultural Biases: Singers since 2015.
her mission to support choral con- The Difference Between Previously, she served
ductors by sharing her knowledge as choral director at
through her experiences as a con- Diversity and Inclusion Thomas County Cen-
ductor. The focus of this session will tral High School in
be a discussion of Margaret Hillis’s One of the ways we can foster in- Thomasville, GA. Davis earned her
approach to score study using exam- clusivity and unity for all our singers BME from Pensacola Christian Col-
ples of symphonic choral works. is through the programming of mul- lege and MME from both Pensacola
ticultural music. This session seeks Christian College and the Florida
Cheryl Frazes Hill is the clinician for to empower choral directors who State University.
this session. Her photo and bio are might be apprehensive about accu-
on page 29. rately teaching multicultural music
in their choral program. Attendees
will be invited into the discussion on NEW Music is NOW Music:
topics such as authenticity, cultural
Midwest Conductors’ Chorus - Music to Make a Change
appropriation, cultural appreciation,
Music by Jacob Narverud and cultural identity within the sec- by Living Composers
ondary choral classroom. The pre-
Let the music fill your soul! Come senters will guide attendees through Conductor and composer Domi-
together with conductors from the process of selecting, rehearsing, nick DiOrio takes us on a new music
across the Midwest for a rehearsal and performing music from multiple journey of works that help our sing-
led by composer/conductor Jacob cultures and include a repertoire list ers and our listeners to connect with
Narverud. All are welcome! Music of multicultural choral music. issues pertinent to our world. From
provided by JW Pepper. Alysia Lee’s Say Her Name to Andrea
Hailey Meyer is a re- Ramsey’s But a Flint Holds Fire, we
Jacob Narverud is an cent graduate of the will explore music designed to make
American composer, Florida State Universi- a change as we look to invigorate
arranger, and conduc- ty, where she earned an our concert programs with works
tor. Narverud is an ac- MME. In Tallahassee, of action and impact. Works by
tive guest conductor/ she taught K-5 general music in the composers Rollo Dilworth, Michael
clinician for choral festivals and Leon Count School District and was Bussewitz-Quarm, and more will be
all-state choirs across the country a featured soloist and member of included. Free score packets will be
and is the founder/artistic director the Tallahassee Community Chorus. provided by Hal Leonard.
of the Tallgrass Chamber Choir, a Meyer previously taught secondary
professional ensemble comprising choral music for fi ve years in Minne- Dominick DiOrio is the clinician for
musicians from across the Great sota and was a member of The Sing- this session. His bio and photo are
Plains. As a sought-after composer ers—Minnesota Choral Artists in on page 39.
with over one hundred titles in print, Minneapolis. She earned a BM from
many of his Editors’ Choice compo- Concordia College—Moorhead.
sitions are publisher Best Sellers and
are performed worldwide by choirs M. Nicole Davis is currently pursuing
of all levels. a PhD at the Florida State Universi-
ty. Davis has been the artistic direc-
tor and conductor of Thomasville
48 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5