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2022 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference

                                            Performing Choirs

                          Luther College                                    Millikin University

                           Nordic Choir                                           Choir

                                             Nordic Choir
                                          is celebrating its
                                          75th    anniver-
                                          sary and enjoys
                                          national    and
                                          inter national
                                          stature as one
                                          of the premier
                                          collegiate choral
                                          ensembles in the
                                          United    States.
                                          Acclaimed    for    From the pure sounds of the Renaissance to the robust
                                          the way it hon-   qualities of major choral/orchestral works, the Millikin
                                          ors the Lutheran  University Choir celebrates a broad variety of styles and
        choral tradition while also featuring new and innova-  genres. The choir has performed in such remarkable set-
        tive choral works, the choir showcases versatility, artist-  tings as the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. and
        ry, and technical mastery across many genres of music.  Cathedral Santo Domingo (Dom. Rep.), the fi rst cathe-
        Nordic Choir has toured extensively throughout the  dral in the New World. The Millikin University Choir
        United States, performing in churches of all denomina-  has received six invitations to perform at ACDA national
        tions, schools, and concert halls. Nordic Choir has also  and regional conferences. The Millikin University Choir
        appeared at three national ACDA conferences and an  will perform the Raymond Brock Commission “Stop-
        MEA national conference in Kansas City, Missouri.   ping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Ēriks Ešenvalds.

                    Andrew Last is the Weston Noble Endowed            Brad Holmes is director of choir programs
                    Professor and Director of Choral Activities        at Millikin University, where he conducts
                    at Luther College in Decorah, IA, where            the University  Choir, and teaches con-
                    he conducts the Nordic Choir, teaches con-         ducting and music education classes. Now
                    ducting, serves as the artistic director for       in his 29th year at Millikin, he oversees a
        Christmas at Luther and camp director for the Dorian   multi-tiered program of choirs and vocal ensembles led

        Summer Music Camps. The Luther choral program in-   by a nationally recognized  choral staff. Choirs under
        cludes numerous regional and national ACDA confer-  Holmes’s direction have sung in every state but Alaska
        ence performances; they also regularly present choral/  and in thirty-six countries. They have received six invita-
        orchestral works. Last holds a BA from Luther College,   tions to perform at ACDA conferences. Domestically, he
        an MM from Northern Arizona University, and a DMA   has led more than three-hundred choir festivals  includ-
        from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.            ing twenty-seven all-state choirs, regional ACDA honor
                                                            choirs, and church music clinics.

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