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2022 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference

                                            Performing Choirs

                         Wartburg College                   Africa, and three Canadian provinces. The Wartburg

                                                            Choir represents one of the five vibrant choral ensem-
                          Wartburg Choir
                                                            bles offered through the music department. The Wart-

                                                            burg Choir was named the national winner of The
                                                            American Prize in Choral Performance (college/uni-
                                                            versity division) in 2017.

                                                                       Lee Nelson is the Patricia R. Zahn Chair
                                                                       in Choral Conducting and director of
                                                                       choral activities at Wartburg College. He
                                                                       conducts the Wartburg Choir, the Rit-
                                                                       terchor (tenor/bass choir) and teaches
                                                            courses in beginning and advanced conducting. Un-
                                                            der Nelson’s direction, the Wartburg Choir has per-
                                                            formed nationally and internationally and was recent-
           Founded in 1937, the internationally acclaimed Wart-  ly honored as the national winner of The American
        burg Choir performs sacred music from all historical   Prize, College/University Choir Division. Nelson has
        periods and styles and often collaborates with contem-  conducted the choir at multiple ACDA conferences,
        porary composers. The choir has toured domestically   including the 2017 National Conference, and at a
        and internationally, visiting 38 U.S. states, the District of   performance for the White House and the National
        Columbia, 23 European countries, Scandinavia, South   Cathedral in Washington, DC.

                                           2022 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference

                                              Interest Sessions

           Amplifying Womxn’s Voices:      and a “Repertoire Accountability  from California State Polytechnic
          An Intersectional Approach to    Checklist” to help evaluate reper-  University, Pomona. Previously, she
                                           toire through a more equitable lens.   taught middle and high school choir
          Equity in the Choral Ensemble
                                                                             in the Los Angeles area for nearly a
                                                      Alyssa Cossey is an  decade.
          Utilizing an intersectional ap-             assistant professor of
        proach, this session will address eq-         choral music and music
        uity through programming by high-             education at the Uni-
        lighting repertoire written by womxn,         versity of Arizona. She         Beyond Words:
        acknowledging the intersection of   is a clinician, adjudicator, guest con-  Creative Text Exploration
        race and gender in choral repertoire,   ductor, and presenter as well as an
        and providing suggestions for how to   inaugural member of the profession-  in the Choral Rehearsal
        reframe or replace problematic mu-  al women’s choir mirabai. Cossey
        sic. Attendees will also have access to   holds a DMA from Michigan State   A distinguishing element of cho-
        composer and repertoire databases,   University, an MM from California  ral music is text, but too often we
        informative playlists and podcasts,   State University, Fullerton, and a BA  bypass rich discussion of its meaning

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