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February 16-19, 2022                                                                   Chicago, Illinois

                        Lawrence University                                Lawrence University

            Cantala (Lawrence University Women’s Choir)                       Concert Choir

           Cantala (Lawrence University Women’s Choir) is a   The Lawrence University Concert Choir is an au-
        select ensemble comprising women (mostly freshmen  ditioned SATB ensemble of 32-48 singers situated in

        and sophomores) whose  fields of study represent mu-  a conservatory of music within a liberal arts college of
        sic and the broad diversity in a liberal arts education.  1,400 undergraduate students. Like peer liberal arts col-
        Founded in the fall of 2000, the choir performs a wide  leges, Lawrence’s student body is entirely undergradu-
        range of unique and challenging literature that includes  ate.
        traditional women’s literature and is proud to perform
        and record new compositions by established and emerg-          Stephen Sieck is an associate professor at
        ing composers from around the world. Cantala annually          Lawrence University in his 11th year of
        joins forces with all LU choirs and orchestra in perfor-       teaching. Previously, Sieck served as the di-
        mances of choral-orchestral masterworks.                       rector of choral/vocal studies at Emory &
                                                                       Henry College. He completed his BM at
                   Phillip Swan is co-director of choral stud-  the University of Chicago, after which he served as the
                   ies at Lawrence University and musical  di-  director of music at a 7th-12th grade college prepara-
                   rector for LU Musicals. Swan directs Can-  tory school in Los Angeles and sang professionally as a

                   tala and LU Vocal Spectrum, and teaches  tenor. He received his MA and DMA from the Univer-
                   courses in conducting and music education.  sity of Illinois.
        He is active in the Appleton community,  serving as ar-
        tistic director and conductor for newVoices (recipient of
        the 2016 Chorus  America Education and Community
        Engagement Award), and is worship choir director at
        Appleton Alliance Church. Swan received degrees from
        Concordia College (Moorhead),  University of Texas at
        El Paso, and the University of Miami (Florida).

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            41
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