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2022 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference

                                            Performing Choirs

                       Iowa State University                               Kaneland High School

                        Iowa State Singers                               Madrigals/Chamber Choir

                                                              The Kaneland High School Madrigals/Chamber
           The Iowa State Singers is Iowa State University’s most  Choir is an auditioned Chamber Choir. This curricular
        select choral ensemble, comprising freshmen through  ensemble presents an annual Madrigal dinner in the fall
        seniors, approximately one half of them music majors.  semester and performs chamber choir literature in the
        Concert tours have taken them to Australia, Western  spring semester. The ensemble consists of primarily ju-
        Europe, Russia, China, Korea, and most recently Nor-  nior and senior students. The Madrigal Dinner involves
        way. The choir has been honored to perform at regional  over 100 students and has been a fi xture in the commu-
        and national conferences of ACDA in 2004, 2005, 2009,  nity for 42 years. Over 600 community members attend
        2010, 2015, 2018, and 2019 and at NCCO conferences  four performances of the annual Renaissance feast each
        in 2008 and 2011.                                   year.

                                                                       Bryan Kunstman has been the choir direc-
                    James Rodde, the Louise Moen-Hamilton
                    Professor and Director of Choral Activities        tor at Kaneland High School since 2001.

                    at Iowa State University, conducts the Iowa        He directs  five curricular ensembles and
                    State Singers, the 150-voice Iowa States-          represents the Fine Arts department on
                    men, teaches choral conducting and litera-         the high school  leadership team. He has
        ture, and oversees a program of roughly 400 undergrad-  served on the ACDA-Illinois board as the Male Choir
        uate choristers. An active clinician, he has led numerous   R&R chair and as a district representative. Each sum-
        festival ensembles, including two regional ACDA honor   mer, Kuntsman serves as a clinician for the St. Charles
        choirs and a number of all-state choirs, most recently in   Singers, SING! Summer choral festival and has worked
        Texas, Kentucky, and Mississippi. Rodde has been the   with middle school voices at the University of Illinois
        artistic director of the Des Moines Choral Society since   Youth Summer Music Camps, and presented multiple
        2003.  For more than a decade he served ACDA as the   presentations for various choral festivals. He received a
        North Central R&R Chair for Men’s Choirs.           BME and MME from Northern Illinois University.

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