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February 16-19, 2022                                                                   Chicago, Illinois

                      First-Plymouth Church                       Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
                         Schola Cantorum                                         NOTUS

                                                              Winner of the 2019 The American Prize in Cho-
                                                            ral Performance, NOTUS is one of the country’s most
                                                            unique collegiate vocal ensembles with a singular com-
                                                            mitment to championing living composers through the
           First-Plymouth’s Schola Cantorum sings for morning  commissioning, programming, and recording of new
        and evening worship services at First-Plymouth Church  works. NOTUS has performed across the nation, from
        in Lincoln, Nebraska—a diverse and inclusive commu-  regional and national ACDA conferences to Carnegie
        nity of faith called to increase the love of God and neigh-  Hall. They were honored to be one of only 24 choirs in
        bor. In the last five seasons, the choir has been blessed to  the world invited to perform at the 12th World Sympo-

        sing for the Nebraska Choral Directors Association, the  sium on Choral Music before it was cancelled due to the
        Nebraska MEA, and National ACDA—serving, in each  COVID-19 pandemic.
        instance, as the only church choir selected to perform on
        the convention program. The Schola has been privileged         Dominick DiOrio  is a member of the cho-
        to sing under the direction of inspiring composers and         ral conducting faculty at the Indiana Uni-
        conductors, including Alice Parker, Anton Armstrong,           versity Jacobs School of Music, where he
        Lee Nelson, Jason Max Ferdinand, and Jake Runestad.            leads the select, new music chamber cho-
                                                                       rus NOTUS.  In July 2020 he  became the
                    Tom Trenney serves as minister of music  14th artistic director and conductor of the Mendelssohn
                    at First-Plymouth Church in Lincoln, Ne-  Chorus of Philadelphia and has served as president and
                    braska, and as associate professor of music  president-elect of NCCO. He has also previously served
                    and director of choirs at Nebraska Wes-  as chair of ACDA’s Composition Initiatives Standing
                    leyan University. He is artistic director of  Committee (2016-2020) and as a member of the  board
        Lincoln’s Abendmusik Concert Series and Conductor of  of directors for Chorus America (2015-2018). He holds
        sounding light—a professional choir he founded in 2003.  a DMA from the Yale School of Music, an MMA and
        In the past few years, Trenney’s choirs have been hon-  MM from Yale, and a BM in composition from Ithaca
        ored to perform for state, region, and national ACDA  College.
        conferences. He is a graduate of the Cleveland Institute
        of Music and the Eastman School of Music.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            39
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