Page 139 - Jan.indd
P. 139
March 2-5, 2022 Long Beach, California
singers. With the audience partic- at College of the Canyons, directing at LSU. Bowers has nine years of
ipating, we will demonstrate vocal the Chamber Singers and Voices- experience developing high school
concepts that work for all singers of-the-Canyons and teaches voice. choral programs in the Houston and
and discuss how the traditional She is also on the music education Baton Rouge public schools. He has
SATB vocal model does not always faculty at CSU Fullerton. Ensem- also directed a community children’s
meet the needs of all singers. bles under her direction have sung choir in Baton Rouge for fi ve years.
at the 2004 ACDA Regional Con-
Désirée LaVertu is a ference and the 2007 ACDA Na-
conductor, soprano, tional Conference. Degrees: MM
and voice teacher. She from University of Nevada, Reno, Let All Children Sing!:
is director of choral/ and BA from CSULA. Creating Community Connection
vocal activities at Oc-
cidental College, where she con- through Youth Choirs
ducts the Glee Club and College
Chorus and teaches voice classes/ Implementing a Multicultural In this session, we will share the
lessons and conducting. LaVertu Framework in Choral Classrooms benefits for children (and you!) of
made her Walt Disney Concert Hall participating in a youth chorus and
debut as soprano soloist in Poulenc’s Multicultural education is a re- share how to get started, with infor-
Gloria, conducted by Grant Ger- form movement rooted in the idea mation on for-profit and non-profi t
shon. Degrees: BM-Accompanying that diversity enriches a nation and ventures, as well as ideas for creating
(CSU Fullerton) and MM-Choral that individuals who participate in a youth choir as part of an elemen-
Conducting/Voice from University a variety of cultural experiences are tary general music education. We
of Nevada, Reno. more able to benefit from the total will run two mini-rehearsals, one
human experience (James Banks). for ages 3-6 and one for ages 7-10,
Olga Perez Flora is Choral ensembles are ideally situat- modeling various ways to make their
a Cuban American ed to affect positive societal change experience most successful. Finally,
mezzo-soprano. Flora if approached from a broad mul- we will offer suggestions on ways
holds a DMA from ticultural perspective. This session to build community connection
the Ohio State Uni- will guide participants through the through youth choirs.
versity, an MM from Arizona State implementation of a multicultural
University, and a BM in vocal per- framework in choral classrooms, Erin Bailey is an as-
formance and a post-bachelor in highlighting the ways we might sistant professor of
music education from Northern thoughtfully honor our students, music education at
Arizona University. She is currently engage deeply with literature, enact Brigham Young Uni-
an assistant professor of voice at the our engagement through rehears- versity. She teaches
University of New Mexico and the als, and present faithfully in perfor- elementary music practicum and
artistic director of the Gobbi Villa mance. choral rehearsal techniques courses.
summer young artist program in Bailey received her PhD in music
Rome, Italy. Jason Bowers holds education from the University of
a BME, MM, and Utah and her BME and MME from
Lori Marie Rios is a a PhD from Louisi- Brigham Young University. She cur-
conductor, soprano, ana State University rently conducts the American Her-
educator/clinician, (LSU). He currently itage Treble Chorus in American
and voice teacher. She serves as instructor of music edu- Fork, Utah.
is professor of music cation and outreach coordinator
CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5 137