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2022 ACDA Western Region Conference

                                        Interest Sessionsessions
                                               est S
        jazz, and musical theatre. He holds  services. We will consider sources,  trans singers in choral ensembles by
        a BM from the University of Mas-   styles, inclusiveness, and copyright  providing an alternative that meets
        sachusetts, Amherst, an MM from  issues. You will take home new proj-  their vocal needs without compro-
        CSU at Northridge, and a DMA  ects-in-progress, plus ready-to-use  mising musical integrity.
        from UCSB.  Nathan performs with  examples.
        Opera Santa Barbara, Santa Barba-                                                Stevie J. Hirner is pri-
        ra Symphony and Chamber Orches-               Nina Gilbert’s back-               marily a choral conduc-
        tra, among others.                            ground ranges from                 tor but is also an active
                                                      Kenya,   where    she              vocalist, composer, and
                    James Mooy, professor             translated Schubert’s              arranger of choral mu-
                    of music, conducts the            Mass in G into Swahili  sic. As a transgender musician, she is
                    award-winning Lunch  while serving as a Peace Corps vol-  currently pursuing her doctorate at
                    Break Jazz Ensemble  unteer; to Carnegie Hall; to Germa-  the University of Southern Califor-
                    and the 70-piece Sym-  ny; to Boston. She has served ACDA  nia, where her research focuses on
        phony Orchestra at Santa Barbara  as associate editor of the Choral Jour-  methodologies and tools that direc-
        City College. Under his leadership,  nal (1996-2006) and editor of Tactus  tors can use to promote transgender
        the SBCC Lunch Break Jazz Ensem-   (2015-18). Her degrees are in music  inclusivity. She is the artistic director
        ble was one of six finalist bands cho-  and conducting, from Princeton, In-  of the Long Beach Youth Chorus.

        sen for the Monterey Next Gen Jazz  diana, and Stanford. She serves as  She completed her BME at Auburn
        Festival for three consecutive years.  music director for the Congregation-  University and her MM at the Uni-
        He is a Music Academy of the West  al Church of La Jolla.            versity of Missouri.
        alumnus and has toured the US and
        Japan as a professional trumpet play-
        er. In 2020 he was selected to direct
        two honor bands, and to adjudicate       (Trans)itioning Voices:         Young Conductors’ Chorus -
        five jazz festivals.                       Inclusivity through             Music by Jacob Narverud

                                                 Line Recombination

                                                                               Let the Music Fill Your Soul! Join
                Timely, Uplifting,           This session presents a new meth-  together for a rehearsal of MS/HS

               and Super-Practical:        odology to promote the inclusivity  choral repertoire led by composer/
                                           of transgender and gender expan-  conductor Jacob Narverud. Though
          Creating Realistic Arrangements   sive (trans) individuals in choral  this session is geared toward college
           for Your Church, Community,     ensembles. Line recombination in-  music education majors and young
                 or School Choir           volves creating a new vocal line by  conductors/beginning teachers, all
                                           combining portions of the existing  are welcome! Music provided by
                                           alto and tenor lines in order to pro-  Santa Barbara Music Publishing,
           Does your choir need music that  vide a singable, intermediate part  Inc.
        can be learned in (approximate-    that supports the student’s gender
        ly) one rehearsal? We will fi nd and  identity while accounting for vocal   Jacob Narverud is the clinician for
        lightly arrange authentic tunes that  health during and after transition.   this session. His bio and photo are
        a choir of any size can quickly learn  Choral directors can use this con-  on page 48.
        and proudly present for special oc-  cept to address the potential uncer-
        casions, emergencies, and worship  tainty surrounding the inclusion of

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