Page 138 - Jan.indd
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2022 ACDA Western Region Conference
Interest Sessionsessions
est S
Obispo, CA. Chester holds an MM and arranged selections from the TSU University Choir
from the University of Georgia and sacred harp repertory, the treasury and the Meistersingers.
a BME from California State Uni- of the African-American spiritual, Dunsavage received
versity, Fullerton. and the folk traditions of Appala- her DMA from Uni-
chia, England, Germany, Poland, versity of Arizona, her
Vietnam, China, Armenia, and the MM from Bowling Green State Uni-
country of Georgia. As a bass vocal- versity, and her BME from Indiana
Enlarging the Choral Canon: ist, Wells has performed as a featured University of Pennsylvania. Dun-
Discovering and Performing soloist. savage currently serves as editor of
Western ACDA’s Tactus.
Choral Works from
Andrew Crane is a clinician for this
a Broader Perspective session. His photo and bio are on Jeff Vanderlee is a part-
page 123. time faculty member at
In this session, we explore the Youngstown State Uni-
process of engaging with living versity, where he is ad-
composers, particularly those of un- vising three graduate
derrepresented communities. This Forgotten Gems: conducting students through recitals,
includes commissioning new works, Exploring Works of the German and teaching the spring semester of
broadening our programming pal- the choral literature sequence. He
ette to include underperformed ex- Renaissance and Early Baroque holds a BME from the University
isting works, and engaging with these of Texas at Austin, an MM from
composers as part of the rehearsal As historical research advances, Westminster Choir College, and a
process. We also explore how to in- choral scholars are taking a greater DMA from the University of Arizo-
teract with the folksong and ethnic interest in forgotten pieces of our na. Vanderlee has served as the con-
repertoire in a respectful way. This choral history. This presentation ductor of the University of Arizona’s
includes engaging those who have explores the under-represented peo- Collegium Musicum.
lived experience with this music to ple and pieces of the German Re-
help with cultural context, language, naissance and Baroque eras, from
and authenticity of the pedagogical madrigals and motets to cantatas by Inclusive Vocal Pedagogy
and performance experience. Johann Schein, Johann Christoph
Bach, and many others. The session for the Choral Rehearsal
Brent Wells, associate will discuss why some of these pieces
professor of choral con- fell out of regular performance and Our goal is to inspire choral direc-
ducting and ensembles, how we can bring them back. Ex- tors to rethink the inclusivity of their
is the director of the plore expressive and accessible piec- vocalises in the same way that they
Brigham Young Uni- es for any level or voicing of ensem- are rethinking the inclusivity of their
versity Men’s Chorus and Concert ble. Attendees will receive a resource repertoire decisions and overall class-
Choir. Wells received his DMA at database of compositions and public room culture. We will discuss the im-
Michigan State University, his BM domain scores. portance of creating a safe space for
and MM at Brigham Young Uni- vocal experimentation/exploration
versity. Wells’ scholarship focuses Angelica Dunsavage serves as as- for singers from every background,
primarily on hymnody and the folk- sistant professor of music and di- including but not limited to Latinx,
song, including his work as a com- rector of choirs at Tennessee State BIPOC, APIDA, ESL, LGBTQ,
poser. He has written original works University, where she conducts the non-binary, Jewish, and Muslim
136 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5