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2022 ACDA Western Region Conference

                                               est S
                                        Interest Sessionsessions
               Beyond Palestrina:               Beyond Programming:                 Breaking Barriers:
           Keeping Early Music Relevant        Creating a More Inclusive          Performing Diverse and

           in a Diversifying Choir Room             Choral Space                  Accessible Music for All

          As choral directors wrestle with   Representation through the rep-   This session will explore choral
        issues of diversity, inclusion, and rel-  ertoire we program is one key tool   music that is inclusive of the great
        evance, it’s not hard to imagine that  that we use to create a decolonized   diversity around the globe. The
        music from before 1700—already  choral space.  However, we must      presentation will focus on women
        an endagered species—might fade  also examine how and what we        and BIPOC composers over the
        from use in schools, churches, and  teach. Join a team of pedagogues   past 500 years who we will con-
        community choirs. In truth, as music  to unpack six study-supported tools   tinue to perform, celebrate, and
        historians continue to unearth Medi-  that can be integrated directly into   learn from. In addition to reading
        eval, Renaissance, and Baroque mu-  the everyday work you already do.   through scores and providing re-
        sic by a variety of male and female  Based on extensive field work and   sources for use in rehearsals, acces-

        composers of many backgrounds,  research in Colombia, this session   sible performance practice issues
        early music can enrich singers’ un-  integrates research with practice     and critical historical implications
        derstanding of diverse cultures. Fur-  and, more importantly, will leave   will be discussed.
        thermore, the repertoire can work  participants feeling emboldened
        for choirs of all ages and skill levels,  and informed.              Jeff rey Benson is the clinician for
        ranging from middle school treble                                    this session. His bio and photo are
        choirs to professional early music en-        Corie Brown serves     on page 128.
        sembles.                                      as assistant professor
                                                      of choral music ed-
                    Nicole Baker     has              ucation at San José
                    served Jouyssance as              State University. She      Building Beautiful Voices:
                    artistic director since  leads the SJSU Concert and Treble      Tools and Principles
                    1999, and under her  Choirs as well as music education
                    leadership the group  courses, and is fueled by her passion   In this participatory session, cli-
        has blossomed into Southern Cali-  around the integration of social jus-  nicians Frank F. Eychaner and John
        fornia’s premiere early music vocal  tice and music education. Prior to   Martin Petzet will demonstrate
        ensemble. Recently retired from the  graduate studies in choral conduct-  practical tools for voice building
        music history faculty at California  ing at the University of Colorado   through the warm-up and rehears-
        State University, Fullerton, Baker led  Boulder and University of Oregon,   al. Vocal pedagogy will be applied
        Collegium Musicum, the School of  Brown taught in Colombia with the   to common challenges, and age-ap-
        Music’s ensemble specializing in mu-  Fundación Nacional Batuta.     propriate vocalizes will be explored
        sic prior to 1700.  She is currently the                             to build the capacity of singers to
        traditional choir director at St. Philip  Jeff rey Benson is the clinician for   perform with freedom, expression,
        the Apostle Church in Pasadena. A  this session. His bio and photo are   and beauty. Session participants will
        graduate of Wellesley College, she  on page 128.                     receive a resource packet of tried-
        earned her MFA in voice and her                                      and-true warm-ups, solutions to
        PhD in musicology at UCLA.                                           common problems, essential vocal
                                                                             pedagogy illustrations, and more.

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