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2022 ACDA Western Region Conference

                                                est S
                                         Interest Sessionsessions
            The Power of Story in Song:    rehearsals and help to straighten out  ate and undergraduate conducting
             Feeding the Choir’s Soul      our singers’ “forgetting curve.”  and choral literature courses. She
                                                                             is in demand as a conductor, guest
                                           David Edmonds is the clinician for  lecturer, and presenter throughout
           Over the course of rehearsal  this session. His photo and bio are  the United States.  Choirs under her
        period, our singers speak, sing, re-  on page 104.                   direction have performed at the con-
        peat, practice, and scrutinize each                                  ferences of ACDA, College Music
        word of our repertoire. This leads to                                Society (CMS), American Guild of
        “message fatigue” and a numbing to                                   Organists, and Arizona Music Edu-
        the power of the story in the song. As    Re-Writing History:        cators.
        choral conductors we must bring the     Curriculum Redesign for
        magic of the text back. This session   21st-Century Conductors
        will teach you how to inject aesthetic                                   Strong Body, Strong Mind,
        intention into your singers’ perfor-
        mances through poetry, visual art,   In the fall semester of 2020, grad-       Strong Music
        creative writing, and collaborative  uate choral conducting majors at the
        processes.                         University of Arizona embarked on   As global consciousness shifts to a
                                           an educational journey that featured  more holistic way of living, society is
        Dean Luethi is the clinician for this  a new curriculum including study of  realizing that, even with technolog-
        session. His photo and bio are on  historical and contemporary works  ical innovations, something is miss-
        page 30.                           by women and BIPOC composers  ing. Many people are rediscovering
                                           alongside those who have been part  eastern philosophy, where the mind
                                           of traditional courses of study. Eliz-  and body work together to fi nd bal-

             The Residue of Thought:       abeth Schauer, who researched and  ance and sustainability. The present-
                                           designed this curriculum, shares her  ers of this session have made mental
             Cognitive Science in the      thoughts about what it means to be  and physical wellness a daily prac-
                 Choral Rehearsal          an educated conductor in the 21st  tice in their musicianship and want
                                           century, ways to re-consider current  to share their passion. Attendees will
           After just 20 minutes, average  educational paradigms, and resourc-  walk away with healthy living prac-
        learners forget more than half of the  es for those who wish to create their  tices, yoga postures, breathing, and
        information they have just encoun-  own innovative and inclusive curric-  meditation techniques that can all be
        tered. For decades, findings from the  ula.                           applied immediately at home and in

        field of cognitive science have led to                                the choral classroom.

        significant improvements in student            Elizabeth    Schauer
        learning, retention, and achieve-             serves as director of             Steven Hankle is the
        ment in STEM classes around the               choral activities at the          assistant professor of
        world. Unfortunately, these tech-             University of Arizo-              choral music and music
        niques rarely, if ever, appear in the         na, where she has re-             education at the Uni-
        choral rehearsal. By drawing on  ceived recognition for her innovative          versity of Dayton. He
        proven strategies from peer-reviewed  and inclusive curricular approach.  teaches choral conducting, choral

        research, this session will help to fa-  Schauer conducts Symphonic and  methods, University Chorale, and
        cilitate more effective and effi  cient  Arizona Choirs and teaches gradu-  women’s ensemble. An active guest

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