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2022 ACDA Western Region Conference
Interest Sessionsessions
In t e r est S
serves on the national board of the Compassion and Contemporary Laurel Irene, Los An-
National Association of Negro Mu- Choral Music Performance geles-based vocal artist
sicians. She holds a DMA from the and voice researcher,
USC Thornton School of Music, an specializes in bring-
MM from CSU Northridge, a BM Performance of contemporary ing new compositional
from CSU Long Beach, and she is a music has signifi cant advantages to works to life with vocal repertoire
graduate of the Los Angeles County ensembles. Yet, many conductors ranging from Monteverdi to Mozart
High School for the Arts. struggle to program new music reg- to wacky, wild, and extreme sounds
ularly. We will explore how compas- of the 21st century. In 2019 she per-
Dale Trumbore is a sion as a scientifi cally researched formed the role of Countess Alma-
composer and writer tool represents the core of ensemble viva in Redcat’s 12-hour endurance
based in Southern Cal- leadership in the 21st century, how art piece. She gives voice workshops
ifornia whose music compassion as a motivational prac- at conferences and collegiate settings
has been praised by tice allows vocalists to explore their across the United States and Europe.
The New York Times for its “soaring voices in ways that open them to
melodies and beguiling harmonies.” new music, how compassion leads
Trumbore’s compositions have been to discoveries in vocal acoustics that The Creative Potential in
performed in the U.S. and interna- uplift and excite creativity and ex-
tionally. She has written extensive- ploration, and how compassion fuels Diversifying Our Ensembles and
ly about working through creative a desire for newness. Redefining Our Musical Values
blocks and is the author of Staying
Composed: Overcoming Anxiety and Self- David Harris is a clinician for this ses- Between the Covid-19 pandemic
Doubt Within a Creative Life. sion. His bio and photo are on page and a rise in global social conscious-
125. ness, many choirs have been inspired
to examine their assumed values of
what makes a quality piece of mu-
sic and a successful choral experi-
Intercultural Choirbook ence. This session is an opportunity
Women of Our World to consider these values and explore
the creative possibilities that come
from re-evaluating them in terms
Coming Together, Singing Together, Growing Together of repertoire/programming, perfor-
mance practice, and rehearsal tech-
40 songs in 25 different languages from more niques, and how we can reach that
than 30 countries potential through diversifying our
Simple two- to three-part arrangements membership.
Introductory texts on the origin and cultural background
Flexible arrangements for accompaniment with Fahad Siadat creates
piano or guitar
interdisciplinary story-
ChB 5363 ed. by Hayat Chaoui telling works, folding
(Volume discounts available)
together words, sound,
and movement into
ritualistic narratives. Siadat is the
director of the Resonance Collec-
134 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5