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March 2-5, 2022                                                               Long Beach, California

        tive, a multifaceted organization that  ral conducting at Indiana University   Empowered Leaders
        explores the intersections of artistic  Bloomington.                         Empower Others:
        and spiritual practice, as well as the
        new music vocal ensemble HEX. He                                         Committing to Vulnerable,
        has conducted choirs at Columbia        Dynamic Body Balance:                 Thoughtful, and
        University, CalArts, Chaff ey  Col-                                          Inclusive Leadership
        lege, and been assistant conductor    Unlocking Communication
        of The Industry.                                                       As we find ourselves in a societal

                                             Breath is the foundation of all  renaissance, it is imperative that we
                                           movement, and effi  cient movement  recommit to modeling and engaging
                                           is the fundamental aspect of ges-  in respectful yet tough conversations
            Cultivating a Choral Culture
                                           tural communication. Based on the  with our ensemble members. This
                of Connectedness           author’s experience with human  session will discuss diff erent  types
                                           dissection, Laban Movement The-   of leadership styles and how they
           Choral music provides a unique  ory Training, and athletic training  function within choral communi-
        place to begin to address the reali-  systems, a theory of Dynamic Body  ties. Attendees will learn about the
        ties of mental health and trauma. It  Balance emerged, providing the  importance of being a vulnerable
        is essential that we recognize the im-  choral conductor greater access to  leader, skills for community building,
        portance of emotional intelligence,  expression and comfort in the body.  strategies for democratizing ensem-
        social connection, and trauma-in-  Using simple body positions and  bles, and how to lean into hard con-
        formed instruction in arguably the  tools like a yoga ball, participants  versations.
        most personal musical art form. In  will learn the theory and apply the
        this session, we will discuss how to  concepts in an interactive workshop       Jennifer Hansen Heder
        craft an educational environment  to enhance body awareness and in-             is currently pursuing a
        that facilitates excellent music learn-  crease expressivity in conducting      DMA from Michigan
        ing, encourages students to remain  and leadership.                             State University. She
        present, passionate, motivated, and                                             has directed the choirs
        engaged, while creating a space that          Nicole C. Lamartine  at Albion College and is currently
        encourages vulnerability, emphasiz-           is the Sorensen Di-    the artistic director of the Ingham
        es psychological safety, and cultivates       rector of Choral Mu-   Festival Chorale. Previously, she
        connection within the group.                  sic at the University  was the director of choirs at Span-
                                                      of California, Santa  ish Fork High School in Utah. She
                    Nicholas Sienkiewicz  Barbara, where she conducts the  earned an MM and a BME from
                    is a conductor, re-    UCSB Chamber Choir, integrates  Brigham Young University.
                    searcher, and mental  21st-century relevance into choral
                    health advocate based  studies at the MM and DMA levels,             Colleen Chester is the
                    in Bloomington, In-    and teaches conducting and voice.             director of music at
        diana. He has appeared on various  Prior to her appointment at UCSB,             Presbyterian Church
        media platforms including the Cho-  she was professor and director of            of Okemos and is pur-
        ralosophy podcast and WMUK Ra-     choral activities at the University of        suing her DMA in cho-
        dio and has presented at multiple  Wyoming (2008-2020). In addition  ral conducting at Michigan State
        conferences. Sienkiewicz holds a BS  to Chor Anno, she is the founder  University. Previously she held the
        in Biochemistry and a BMA from  and conductor of the Santa Barba-    position of director of vocal music
        Western Michigan University and is  ra Gay Men’s Chorus. She is a past  at San Luis Obispo High School and
        currently pursuing an MM in cho-   president of Northwestern ACDA.   Laguna Middle School in San Luis

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