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2022 ACDA Western Region Conference
est S
Interest Sessionsessions
Leslie Walker has taught Tisi is in the fi nal stages of complet- Modeling Creativity within the
children’s choirs for 38 ing her MM at Cal State LA, writing
years and in the public her thesis on creating a peace- and (Interactive) Choral Rehearsal
schools for the past 21 social-justice focused children’s and
years. She currently di- youth church choir program. She Ensemble membership has tra-
rects the Hobble Creek Singers and holds a BME from SUNY Fredonia ditionally relied upon a regulatory
the choral program at Springville and an MM in Liberal Studies from model where artistic decisions em-
High School in Springville, Utah. SUNY Stony Brook. She current- anate from the director. This mod-
She earned an MM in vocal perfor- ly sings with the Donald Brinegar el has historically subjugated the
mance and pedagogy and a second Singers. role of creativity on the part of the
bachelor’s degree in secondary cho- singers to a minimalist function.
ral education. She was a member of While members are an integral
the Mormon Tabernacle Choir for part of fulfilling an overarching ar-
16 years. Magic in the Middle tistic vision, they are aff orded pre-
cious little in actually shaping that
Directing the middle school choir vision. Off ering “guided creativ-
can be a joy or a burden depending ity” to choristers in the rehearsal
A Life-Changing Tour: upon your preparation for all of the process allows individual singers
Planning a Choir Tour for variables you will encounter. Roger artistic input, while simultaneously
Emerson will present methods and off ering them autonomous owner-
Peace and Social Justice materials to make the job easier with ship into the performance product.
carefully crafted resources.
We all know the incredible heal- Jerry Ulrich, an AS-
ing power of choral music. What if Roger Emerson is a CAP award-winning
choir tours were about healing and professional compos- arranger/composer,
promoting unity and peace in our er and arranger with has composed com-
country? What if your choir could over 900 choral titles in missioned works for
feel fulfilled spending time in our print and over 30 mil- professional choirs and orchestras,
own country, exploring historical lion copies in circulation. He is the including the Grammy award-win-
churches, museums, and monuments most widely performed composer/ ning Orchestra of St. Luke’s. Ul-
that would help them to understand arranger of popular choral music rich is director of choral activ-
their history? Learn about how All and vocal jazz in the world today. ities at the Georgia Institute of
Saints Trouveres Youth Choir did Emerson has been the recipient of Technology, where he directs the
just that on a 10-day tour of the deep ASCAP’s Standard Award for 30 Chamber Choir and the Georgia
south.It changed their lives and the years running, and his works have Tech Glee Club. His early train-
lives of those who listened. been performed at the White House, ing included four years singing
Carnegie Hall, and the Kennedy with Robert Shaw in the Atlanta
Jenny Tisi has been the Center. He has appeared at numer- Symphony Chorus and Chamber
director of the chil- ous MENC, ACDA and JEN con- Chorus.
dren’s and youth choirs ferences.
at All Saints Pasade-
na since 2011, where
she conducts 6 children’s and youth
choirs, grades PreK–12. Currently,
138 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5