Page 135 - Jan.indd
P. 135

March 2-5, 2022                                                               Long Beach, California

        Frank F. Eychaner is a clinician for          Matt Hill joined the  Jace Kaholokula Saplan is a clinician
        this session. His bio and photo are           Peru State College fac-  for this session. His bio and are on
        on page 109ß.                                 ulty in September 2014  page 130.
                                                      as director of choral
                    John Martin Petzet                activities. He founded  Joshua Palkki is a clinician for this

                    is associate profes-   the nonprofit  Sing Omaha in 2007,  session. His bio and photo are on
                    sor and director of    which serves as the nation’s only  page 47.
                    choral activities at   K-12/adult choral arts organization,

                    the University of Ne-  offering eight choirs that serve more
        braska-Kearney. He has conducted   than 350 singers annually, and two
        honor choirs in Louisiana, Colora-  studio locations enrolling 150+ stu-      Come Together:
        do and Nebraska and has worked     dents in weekly lessons. Hill earned    Fostering Meaningful
        in Mexico with the Universidad     an MM at Oklahoma State Univer-        Collaborations between
        Autónoma De Ciudad Juárez and      sity and a DMA at the University of
        Tlaxcala Canta. He has presented   Nebraska. He serves ACDA as the       Composers and Conductors
        interest sessions in 15 states and   National Community Choirs R&R
        Mexico. He recorded Alexandre      Chair.                              Breaching the divide between
        Grechaninov’s Passion Week with                                      composers and conductors can be
        the Kansas City Chorale, which                                       daunting. If you’re a conductor,
        won a Grammy for Best Engineered        Choral Intersectionality:    what’s the best way to encourage
        Classical Album.                                                     composers inside and outside of your
                                                  Gender, Race, and
                                                                             chorus to write successfully for your
                                                Reimagined Excellence        singers? If you’re a composer, how
                                                                             do you approach conductors with
              Choir IS a Community:
                                             When singers exercise their agen-  your music, turning an initial impres-
         Community Choirs Best Practices   cy to draw upon all components of  sion into a life-long collaborative re-
                                           their identity, the entire choral com-  lationship? Composer and conductor
           Community choirs are the last   munity benefi ts. Named by Kimber-  Zanaida Robles and composer Dale
        and best vehicle for keeping singers   lé Crenshaw, intersectionality is a  Trumbore will present strategies that
        and audiences engaged with choral   concept to describe how race, gen-  reach across the composer-conduc-
        music. Community choir conduc-     der, and other characteristics “inter-  tor divide, resulting in meaningful
        tors are the nucleus of all activity   sect” with one another, resulting in  collaborations for conductors, sing-
        in their choirs and must be experts   systems of power and oppression.  ers, and composers. Participants will
        in many fields to be successful. This   Rooted in existing scholarship in  leave this session feeling empowered

        presentation will bring to bear my   anti-racist, decolonial, gender-af-  to work together to contribute to the

        fifteen years of experience as the   firming, and LGBTQIA± inclusive  choral repertoire.
        founding artistic/executive director   pedagogies, this session will synthe-
        of one of the nation’s largest non-  size these concepts toward a unifi ed,       Zanaida Stewart Ro-

        profit choral organizations, Sing   intersectional approach that ensures          bles is a fi erce advocate
        Omaha. Our ten choirs of 400+      that all singers’ identities can be cel-      for diversity and inclu-
        singers give nine concerts each sea-  ebrated in choral spaces. Attendees        sion in music education
        son and are contracted as the offi  -  will participate in active music mak-       and performance. She
        cial choirs for the Omaha Sympho-  ing and discussion and leave with  is in demand as a vocalist, conductor,
        ny.                                practical strategies to implement in  clinician, and adjudicator for compe-
                                           their choral communities.         titions, festivals, and conferences. She

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