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       Chorus America presents the                                                           Rob Istad
                                                                                             Conducting Academy
                                                                                             Director of Choral Studies,
       2023                                                                           California State University Fullerton;
                                                                                      Artistic Director, Pacific Chorale
       CHORAL-ORCHESTRAL                                                                      Lucinda Carver
                                                                                              Interim Executive Director,
       CONDUCTING                                                                            David Hayes
                                                                                              Boston Conservatory at

                                                                                             Director of Orchestral and
                                                                                             Conducting Studies, Mannes
       ACADEMY                                                                        Curtis Symphony Orchestra
                                                                                             School of Music; Staff Conductor,

                                                                                             Duain Wolfe
                                                                                             Former Director and Conductor,
                                                                                             Chicago Symphony Chorus;
                                                                                             Conductor, Colorado Symphony
       JULY 3–9, 2023                                                                        Chorus

                                                                                             Eugene Rogers
       Build choral-orchestral skills and advance your career                                Director of Choral Activities,
                                                                                             University of Michigan;
       in a supportive learning environment with world-class,                                Artistic Director,
       accessible teachers.                                                                  The Washington Chorus
                                                                                             Beth Willer
                                                                                             Director of Choral Studies,
                                                                                             Peabody Institute; Artistic
                                                                                             Director, Lorelei Ensemble
                                                                                     Participating conductors will work on
                                                                                     choral-orchestral repertoire including
                                                                                     Florence Price’s Abraham Lincoln Walks at
                                                                                     Midnight, Ralph Vaughan Williams’ Dona
                                                                                     Nobis Pacem, and Beethoven’s Symphony
                                                                                     No. 9, 4th Movement.
                                                                                     Funding support provided by Chorus America’s John
                                                                                     Alexander Conducting Faculty Chair endowment,
                                                                                     The Colburn Foundation, National Endowment for the
                                                                                     Arts, and the Popplestone Foundation.

      In partnership with                                                                AVAILABLE AT


       Applications will be open November 1–December 1.
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