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One of these Days                  have like-rhythms throughout the   2 leaps into dissonance, this leap
        Text and music by Sarah Quartel    piece.                            happens a few times and is a part
        SSATBarB, optional soli,             None of the voices need to sing   of the harmonic progression, so it
        unaccompanied                      in extreme registers. Sopranos sing   is not jarring to the ears. The bass
        Oxford University Press,           in the lower end of their range, par-  line descends to a D 2 and C 2, but
        Voice Junction series              ticularly during the opening verses,   there are optional notes for the sing-
        Diffi  culty: Moderately Diffi  cult   so consonant and rhythmic clarity   ers if none of the voices are basso
        Duration: 4 mins                   within a section will be important   profondo.
                                           for text intelligibility. Sometimes the   The piece loosely follows a verse/
                                           melody is sung by all sopranos, and   refrain/verse/refrain/outro struc-
                                           sometimes the soprano 2 voice sings   ture (this is simplified, of course).

                                           the melody while soprano 1 takes   The 3/4 time signature stays steady,
                                           a descant, for example. The alto,   and the pianist-nightmare of G !
                                           tenor, and baritone lines are fairly   Major is consistent except for occa-
                                           repetitive throughout much of the   sional F   in the alto and bass voices.
           One of  these Days, with both mu-  verses. The altos have a few import-  Singers and conductor will need to
        sic and lyrics by Sarah Quartel, is   ant, prominent lines that echo the   pay close attention to when voices
        a mixed-voice octavo on the impor-  soprano 2 melody, but most often   split between systems or pages, such
        tance of being present and giving   duets with the tenor. While the bass   as m. 62 when the soprano 1 and
        grace to oneself. The music has a
        rhythmic and harmonic pop-aca-
        pella feel. The unaccompanied
        piece includes a rehearsal reduc-     Yale
        tion, which does not include every
        melodic note for ease of playing.     graduate study
        With rhythmic precision being so
        foundational to section and ensem-    in choral conducting
        ble cohesion, the rhythm should       at Yale Institute of Sacred Music

        be taught  first, apart from the       and Yale School of Music
        pitches. Set in 3/4, the meter stays
        the same, but the metric division
        changes; for example, m. 1 is set up
                                              Jeffrey Douma, yale glee club
        in a typical 3-beat division while m.   David Hill, yale schola cantorum
        2 has a quadruplet division across    Masaaki Suzuki, yale schola cantorum
        the measure. While these metric
        changes could be a challenge, once    degrees offered
                                              Master of Music
        mastered, they are repeated multi-    Master of Musical Arts
        ple times in the piece. The rhythm    Doctor of Musical Arts
        within measures will also require     Full tuition scholarships for all admitted students plus
        detailed attention, such as an eighth   additional merit-based awards available. Abundant musical
        note followed by an eighth rest in    and interdisciplinary opportunities. Ample podium time.
        one voice, requiring independent
        accountability within sections. The   Office of Admissions  Yale Institute of Sacred Music
                                              406 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511
        conductor can facilitate quicker      tel 203.432.9753 · ·
        learning by rehearsing voices that

        CHORAL JOURNAL  October 2022                                                                           Volume 63  Number 3            77
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