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K-12 Resources: Book Reviews

        ing mindfulness into the rehearsal   while challenging others. The thir-  ent, to a more intentionally con-
        routine, and ways to include writing   ty-one contributors work to address   structivist model that supports and
        in the choral rehearsal. In the  fi -  the ever-widening gap between and   fosters personal agency for each
        nal chapters, Paul also covers score   among competing ideologies in the   member. This includes the devel-
        study, a brief survey of conducting   choral tradition. They come from   opment of one’s choral identity,
        gesture tips, and advice drawing on   disparate perspectives that include:   which also seeks to overcome the
        her storied career as a choral con-  score study and composer integrity,   idea of voice types with associat-
        ductor, pedagogue, and teacher.    how students learn, community for-  ed personality types, as well as the
           Any choral conductor, at any    mation and change, and truly trans-  intentional development of per-
        stage in their career, will discover   formative experience. The breadth   sonal and gender identity within a
        a number of new ideas and useful   of perspective alone is reason    more inclusive setting and includes
        tactics to employ in their rehears-  enough to invest in this resource.  the role of feminism in pedagogy.
        als whether it be with young chil-   The book contains two large       “World Perspectives” frames
        dren or adult singers. In addition   areas of focus: Theory and Prac-  traditions from around the world
        to the new strategies, the scientifi c   tice. Each are is also broken down   including the crucial social role of
        discussion and understanding of    into subcategories.  Theory con-  singing in culture, and how to ap-
        how the brain works will open the   tains three parts: “Challenging   proach authenticity in music outside
        opportunity for new and enriched   Traditional Paradigms,” “Con-     one’s own culture. It includes per-
        approaches to the learning process.  struction of Identity and Mean-  spectives on the United Kingdom,
                                           ing,” and “World Perspectives.”     Black South African Choral Music,
                                             “Challenging Traditional Par-   Corporate Choirs in Brazil, and the
         Submitted by Robert Sinclair      adigms” challenges the tradition-  State of the Choral Art in Germany.
                                           al conductor-centered model that    The second part of the book,
                                           often creates a problematic power   Practice, also contains three sub-
        The Oxford Handbook                paradigm between the conduc-      categories: “Repertoire as Peda-
        of Choral Pedagogy                 tor and the singers. Each chapter   gogy,” “Teaching and Conduct-
        edited by Frank Abrahams           looks at pedagogy through a diff er-  ing Diverse Populations,” and
        and Paul D. Head                   ent lens such as Critical Pedagogy,   “Choral Pedagogy and the Voice.”
        New York: Oxford University Press   which builds more reciprocal and   “Repertoire as Pedagogy” ex-
        (2017)                             collaborative relationship within   plores the process of developing
        545 pages                          the ensemble where each member    singers through repertoire selec-
        $125 (hardcover),                  has greater agency in the process.   tion.  It includes sections on pro-
        $37.49 (electronic),               Authors also look at the impact of   gramming that creates meaning
        $48.51 (Paperback)                 media on the choral tradition, the   and transformative experiences for
                                           changing face of traditional choral   both audience and performer.  The
           What exactly is choral pedago-  experiences as they move toward   section includes a discussion of
        gy? In the introduction, Abrahams   something that is more engag-    Western Art Music and the Music
        and Head suggest that a number     ing for more of the choral popu-  of Diverse Cultures as pedagog-
        of choral method books dedicate    lous, including the place of formal   ic approaches to the choral art.
        an obligatory number of chapters   and informal music learning and     “Teaching and Conducting Di-
        to the philosophical foundations   their place in pedagogic thought.  verse Populations” includes a num-
        and sociological trends in cho-      “Construction of Identity and   ber of important discussions of cho-
        ral practice, but most are actually   Meaning” works to explain and   ral pedagogy that are more globally
        purposeful resources for training   support the shift from the con-  inclusive. There are important con-
        young conductors (p.1). This text   ductor-centered model, where the   tributions on the pedagogy of adult
        affirms some areas of tradition      singer is more of a passive recipi-  community and professional choirs,

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