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addition of educational extensions   University of Oregon School of    The book is divided into elev-
        for each work. This is an extremely   Music and Dance, draws on her   en chapters that cover topics such
        helpful and useful inclusion. This   vast experience in choral rehears-  as how the understanding of the
        new section provides teaching sug-  al strategy combined with the    brain’s neural networks and the
        gestions that may be utilized as   study of how the brain learns to   integration of problem solving in
        part of the rehearsal or as exten-  create this informative guide on   the choral rehearsal can help our
        sions for either choirs or lessons in   how to incorporate brain-com-  singers retain and recall informa-
        the general music setting. As a re-  patible strategies into rehearsals.   tion, to how informed rehearsal
        viewer, I was delighted to fi nd this   As she states in the introduc-  pacing can create a sense of “fl ow”
        new section added to each work.     tion, the journey toward a more   that will maximize rehearsal time.
           Teaching Music through Performance   brain-friendly approach to teach-  Each chapter contains a balance

        in Contemporary A Cappella  is high-  ing choral music began early in   of scientific explanation and dis-
        ly recommended to choral music     her college teaching career at Cal-  cussion, complete with a treasure
        teachers of all levels of expertise in   ifornia State University, Chico.   trove of additional resources Paul
        this genre, but especially to those   She attended a workshop hosted   researched and cited, with prac-
        new to the contemporary a cappella   by a psychology professor at the   tical and pragmatic applications
        world. Practicing high school cho-  university on the biopsychology of   for the reader to implement into

        ral teachers may wish to add this in-  learning, specifically the four prin-  their own rehearsals. In addition,
        expensive addition to their resource   ciples of brain function. From this   Paul interleaves personal anecdotes
        library, especially since the Teacher   workshop, Paul discovered that   of rehearsal situations or conver-
        Resource Guide is a portion of the   many of her teaching techniques   sations with students that range
        book that can be utilized again and   and strategies, including those uti-  from humorous to heart-warming.
        again.  Choral music teacher edu-  lized in choral rehearsals, were not   While the reader will undoubt-

        cators may wish to add this to their   effective according to how students   edly glean a multitude of new strat-
        list of recommendations to pre-ser-  learn, retain, and recall knowledge.   egies and rehearsal tips, there is also
        vice undergraduate students in     This led to a paradigm shift in how   a chance that some of the ideas
        their choral methods courses. This   she approached planning, teaching,   mentioned will already be familiar
        text is well worth the time of busy   and rehearsing. The ideas shared   and utilized frequently. It is, how-
        choral teachers to read, digest, and   in this book come from thirty years   ever, fascinating to explore the cog-
        refer to when planning lessons and   of exploring cognitive neuroscience   nitive and psychological evidence
        programming.                       and educational psychology, their   for why those strategies are suc-

                                           effects on musical learning, and   cessful. Equipped with that knowl-
                                           how this knowledge can positively   edge and understanding, the read-
                                           shape the choral rehearsal process.   er can further improve their use.
         Submitted by John McDonald
                                             While that might sound overly     Other topics covered include
                                           academic and possibly complicated,   the role of emotional connection
        Art & Science in the Choral        the title of the book is Art & Science   in learning music, a fascinating dis-
        Rehearsal                          in the Choral Rehearsal. Paul strikes a   cussion on motivation in the choral
        Sharon J. Paul                     wonderful balance of addressing   rehearsal, the study of Multiple In-
        Oxford University Press, 2020      both the art (music, expression,   telligences Theory and Learning
        240 pages                          passion) and science (cognition,   Styles and how they can improve
        $26.95 (paperback)                 psychology, neuroscience) to deliv-  the approach to understanding
                                           er a myriad of strategies useful for   singers as learners, engaging stu-
           Dr. Sharon J. Paul, Robert M.   any conductor, experienced or be-  dents through activating their imag-
        Trotter Chair of Music and Di-     ginner, looking to improve their re-  ination, the psychology of rehearsal

        rector of Choral Activities at the   hearsal effi  ciency and eff ectiveness.  including specific ideas on integrat-
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