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inclusion in Canadian children’s   future choral music educators by   for their students and the means
        choirs and LGBTQ approaches,       Dr. Christopher W. Peterson, who   to achieve said goals through
        specific chapters on pedagogy for   serves as a professor of choral mu-  thoughtful classroom organization

        boychoir, men’s chorus at the col-  sic education at California State   and detailed lesson planning. Fur-
        lege and university level, and Black   University, Fullerton. Peterson’s   thermore, learning or refreshing
        Gospel Choral Music as well as a   text certainly is an outstanding   ideas about rehearsal techniques
        chapter dedicated to the choral en-  guide to prepare the future music   and musicianship development
        semble’s capacity to change lives.     educator for the choral classroom,   are included in this text. There
           “Choral Pedagogy and the        but can also serve as a refresher and   are useful materials and ideas that
        Voice” includes a discussion of the   inspiration for early career as well   can assist the music educator on
        vocal mechanism as it relates to the   as veteran choral music educators.   how to organize and develop life-
        choral rehearsal. The section on the    There are many resources and   long thinking musicians through
        voice is brief but its inclusion is im-  ideas in this outstanding text that   thoughtful discussion leadership.
        portant since, without the voice, we   can inform and transform the   This approach to classroom discus-
        really don’t have a choir. Its pres-  choral music educator to be in-  sion has the potential to transform
        ervation and the understanding of   tentional in what they do in the   the music-making process into a
        it by conductors often is the diff er-  choral classroom. This includes a   life-changing process of owner-
        ence between success and failure in   thoughtful exposition and appli-  ship and heart-full performance.
        the creation of life-long musicians.  cation of educational theory for   Ideas that will help a veteran
           The Oxford Handbook of  Choral Ped-  the music classroom, and behav-  and a beginning teacher recruit
        agogy is thorough, thoughtful, and   ioral traits that will help an indi-  and the intent behind recruitment
        thought provoking. The editors and   vidual to be successful as a music   is also offered, along with strate-

        contributing authors have succeed-  educator. It also inspires choral   gies for assessment, classroom and
        ed in creating a forward-looking   directors to be thoughtful about   program organization. Classroom
        volume while not dismissing some   the long-term educational goals   management techniques that have
        established traditions. It is a hefty
        read but well worth the time.

          Submitted by Gene Peterson

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        CHORAL JOURNAL  October 2022                                                                           Volume 63  Number 3            71
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