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Agostino Agazzari was an Italian  lio (ostensibly Orfeo) represents a sin-  Agazzari’s harmonic language. Even
        composer of both secular and sacred  ner rescued from the underworld by  more helpful is a fully realized sample
        music, as well as the author of an  Apollo, who is often seen as a met-  harmonization of one of the chorus-
        important treatise on early Baroque  aphorical substitute for the person  es, provided in the appendices, which
        styles: Del sonare sopra ‘l basso con tutti li  of Jesus. Thus, the history of Flo-  provides a nice template for direc-
        stromenti e dell’uso loro nel concerto (1607).  rentine opera in the fi rst decade of  tors and players. Further, there is a
        More importantly, in 1605, he com-  the seventeenth century is enriched  cogent discussion of early Baroque
        posed and premiered one of the fi rst  and broadened by the publication  performance practice and the paral-
        early Baroque operas, Eumelio, drama  of a Roman Eumelio, now in a stellar  lels between Eumelio and L’Orfeo, with
        pastorale, which was published a year  edition.                      suggestions gleaned from Agazzari’s
        later in 1606.                       Edited by Matthew J. Hall, Eliz-  own treatise writings paired with ex-
           Similar to the  first opera, Peri  abeth Lyon, and Zoe Weiss, this  amples from Monteverdi’s work, and

        and Corsi’s Daphne (1600), Agazzari  edition began as an exploration of  easy-to-decipher charts to guide the
        wrote  Eumelio for the celebration  early music in a graduate seminar  orchestra and director as they assign
        of Carnival. Unlike  Daphne, which  at Cornell University, led by Neal  the instrumental groupings
        comes to us in fragmentary form  Zaslaw. It was performed in 2016 by   The score itself is in large format,
        with much of the music lost, Eumelio  the Cornell Early Music Lab and the  bound in paperback, clearly and
        is complete, surviving the interven-  Cornell Chamber Singers, for which  gracefully engraved, and contains
        ing 400 years, and leaving the editors  Carol Gilson Rosen translated the  staging suggestions, which are both
        with a number of quality primary  libretto. It is published by A-R Edi-  original and editorial in nature. The
        source documents. Unique amongst  tions as part of the publisher’s Recent  scope of the opera itself is brief, and
        the earliest operas, including Peri  Researches in the Music of  the Baroque  thus the thin size of the score belies
        and Caccini’s  Eurydice (1600 and  Era imprint. Within the score’s pref-  its rather hefty price tag of $200, as

        1602) and the first operatic master-  ace, the editors state that “[Eumelio’s]  of this writing. That price and the
        piece L’Orfeo (1607) by Monteverdi,  relatively short length and technical  wealth of historical material, clear-
        Agazzari’s work has never been pub-  simplicity make it accessible to con-  ly targets music libraries, with an
        lished in a modern edition until now.  servatory students or amateur musi-  option from the publisher for digi-
           Early Florentine opera was  cal-dramatic societies interested in  tal access by college and university
        strongly influenced by secular so-  exploring Italian monody, perhaps  institutions. One could imagine a

        ciety, and often bathed in politics,  for the fi rst time.”           collegiate early music ensemble en-
        scandal, and interpersonal confl ict.   Indeed, this scholarly edition is  deavoring to perform the piece to-
        Agazzari, however, lived and worked  expertly sourced, and includes an  gether with the voice and opera de-
        for parts of his career in Rome, serv-  abundance of performance practice  partment, working together to assign
        ing as  maestro di capella  at the  Semi-  suggestions. Like many of the works  instruments based on the writings of
        nario Romano. Eumelio was composed  of its time, particularly in Montever-  Agazzari and  L’Orfeo  performanc-
        during this tenure, and premiered at  di’s  L’Orfeo, specifi c instruction for  es, partnering with theory faculty
        the  Collegium Germanicum et Hungari-  assigning instrumentation is sparse,  to authentically realize the  continuo,
        cum, a Jesuit seminary. Eumelio shares  and at the discretion of the perform-  and studying with the instrumental
        stylistic similarities with Euridice and  ing ensemble. The score consists of  faculty to learn historically accurate
        L’Orfeo, but it also shares a thematic  a single vocal line, over a basso con-  ornaments and improvisation. A
        structure and almost the same sto-  tinuo with rather spartan fi guration.  worthy endeavor, to be sure.
        ryline as well. Eumelio, however, owes  Only in the choruses is there specifi c
        its origins to the Jesuits, and as such,  harmonization found, though those   Timothy Michael Powell
        the Greek myth is transformed into a  sections will certainly inform the   Atlanta, GA
        Christian morality play, where Eume-  instrumental consort’s approach to

        CHORAL JOURNAL  October 2022                                                                           Volume 63  Number 3            79
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