Page 78 - October.indd
P. 78

Choral Reviewsviews
       Choral R           e

        poetry, singers will understand and   performed by a multitude of choirs.   especially good fit for concerts cen-

        may even feel connected to this    It’s easy to understand the appeal   tered on remembering, refl ecting,
        poem through their own lived ex-   of this octavo: the range is manage-  celebrating people who have had
        perience. Here again, a high school   able for even developing choirs, the   an impact on our lives, nature, and

        treble choir or an adult treble choir   flowing piano part is playable by   nostalgia. Quartel’s website states:
        (collegiate or community) could fi nd   less experienced collaborative art-  “I remember sets a text refl ecting on
        real connection to the text. Despite   ists, and the theme of remembering   the wonder of the natural world

        this being a piece for treble voices,   or reflecting on the world around   and the people who shape our

        the text itself does not refer to any   us is applicable to many occasions.   lives.” The first two verses refl ect on
        gender, allowing more inclusion for   The music can be easily analyzed   nature and use a variety of “I re-
        all singers to participate in the anal-  by singers: ABA form, D major to   member” followed by a nature-cen-
        ysis of the poetry.                F Major and return to D major, in a   tered topic. “I remember days of

           This piece is worth consider-   “gently flowing” 3/4, among other   sunshine” is the fi rst example. Each
        ation—analyzing the text, learning   things.                         of these nature verses ends with “I
        about Elizabeth Barrett Browning,    The unison setting is great for   remember this, my friend.” The
        and the myriad of concepts that    listening work across the ensem-  narrator values the relationship

        can be taught through this piece,   ble, especially beneficial to devel-  with this friend, which comes into
        depending on the journey and de-   op these concepts at the beginning   more detail after these verses.
        velopment of the singers.          of the ensemble’s time with each     The B section transitions from
                                           other. There are many phrasing    memories invoking nature to specif-
                                           choices for the singers and con-  ically talking about the people and
        I remember                         ductor to make, as well as breath   relationships held in these moments.
        Music and text by Sarah Quartel    management work for the longer    The text holds a lot of possibilities
        Unison treble, piano               phrases. Text stress will also be an   to engage the choir and audience.
        Oxford University Press            easy concept to implement, partly   While the piece is in unison, the text
        Diffi  culty: Easy                   due to the unison but largely due   reflects topics that will be appropri-

        Duration: 4 mins                   to the text setting. The unison set-  ate and engaging for all ages, mak-
        Performance link (to SA):          ting includes an optional descant, a   ing this a great octavo for groups           nice option for choirs that want to   that consist of growing choirs, such
        watch?v=wa_VlBcBkE8                sing simple harmony. The unison   as community groups or non-audi-
                                           setting will keep choirs honest in   tioned collegiate ensembles.
                                           their vowel alignment, treatment of
                                           diphthongs, and balance. In short,
                                           the music can be sung by a variety
                                           of ages and skill levels. It will be a
                                           quick learn for many choirs, with
                                           immediate success on many trans-
           Canadian   composer    Sarah    ferable concepts. The trick for the
        Quartel wrote I remember as one of   conductor will be to decide how to
        her  first commissions for the Tre-  sequence all of the concepts so that

        ble Makers Women’s Choir in West   they are managed by the singer suc-
        Lorne, Ontario. Also available in   cessfully.
        TB, SABar, and SA voicings, the      Text is an additional positive as-
        folk-like I remember was one of Quar-  pect of this piece, which was writ-
        tel’s first commissions and has been   ten by the composer. I remember is an

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