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K-12 Resources: Book Reviews

        been proven and developed by one   chapter shares thoughts on how a   has shared and mentored numerous
        of Dr. Peterson’s mentors, Dr. Clif-  music educator can create a safe   outstanding choral music teachers.
        ford K. Madsen of Florida State    space in their classroom and strat-  This text certainly will help pre-
        University, have been thoughtfully   egies for vocal approaches regard-  pare future music educators to be
        laid out to execute in the classroom.   ing the trans and non-binary singer.   ready for the contemporary cho-
        The author includes a process to      In addition to the outstanding   ral classroom and should be con-
        formulate, refine, and articulate   and inspiring textbook, companion   sidered by programs that prepare

        a philosophy of music education    resources, including posters for mu-  future music educators. However,
        that can help the music educator   sicianship development and online   it should not be limited to teach-
        to stay on track to be intentional   links for continuing development   er preparation, as the usefulness
        in every aspect of their choral pro-  of the text and materials, are avail-  of the ideas and materials extend
        gram. Finally, Peterson engaged Dr.   able through a registration link.     well beyond teacher training and
        William Sauerland to contribute       The approaches and philoso-    can serve as an excellent inspira-
        a chapter on the needs, thoughts,   phies behind the organization and   tion, refresher, and resource for the
        and approaches to the much-need-   thought of this compilation have   already engaged choral music ed-
        ed considerations for inclusion    been eff ectively utilized and proven   ucator who desires to continue to
        and issues of gender identity. This   in many classrooms, as Dr. Peterson   grow and develop in their craft.

                                                                UNIVERSITY           of
            choral   &                                            SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
             sacred music
                                                                 THORNTON SCHOOL

             DEGREES OFFERED                                             MUSIC
             Choral Music BM, MM, DMA
             Sacred Music MM, DMA

             DECEMBER 1, 2022

                                                                               CHORAL & SACRED MUSIC FACULTY
                                                                             Tram Sparks, chair  Jo-Michael Scheibe
                                                                                Cristian Grases  Nick Strimple
                                                                                   Suzi Digby

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