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K-12 Resources: Book Reviews

        relation to singing style and the   between the a cappella competition   considerations, and form/struc-
        position of the vocal folds explores   process and the process of prepar-  ture insights.  However, new to this
        a complicated issue, but is pre-   ing for state choral assessment fes-  book are two benefi cial  additional
        sented in an exceedingly readable   tivals and show choir competitions.       elements. The  first is the develop-

        manner. The chart on page 24 of      The Teacher Resource Guide      ment of a fi ve-point diffi  culty scale
        the vocal fold spectrum grid is an   contains 82 works across the pre-  for evaluating literature. The intro-
        especially helpful tool for choral   viously mentioned genres of bar-  duction of the Teacher Resource
        teachers as they begin to reconcile   bershop, contemporary a cappella,   Guide includes an in-depth sum-
        their own vocal pedagogy training   doo-wop, folk/classical, and vocal   mary of the criteria typical of the
        with various styles of singing they   jazz. If you are familiar with the   music in each level.  Then as each
        may wish to teach to their students.   Teaching Music Through Performance   work is presented, the diffi  culty lev-
           Chapter four discusses the all-im-  series, then you will recognize the   el is easy to locate in a shaded box
        portant “why” of competing and     typical elements included for each   along with voicing and publisher
        the true value of competition. This   work, such as background infor-  information. Additionally, the  fi rst
        chapter also contains benefi cial in-  mation on each composer/arrang-  index located at the back of the
        formation on the process of a cap-  er, general information about the   book lists all the works by diffi  culty
        pella competition. High school cho-  composition, historical perspective,   level, making the information easy

        ral educators will  fi nd  similarities   technical considerations, stylistic   to find. The second element is the

                                 CONDUCTORS, SINGERS, EDUCATORS:
                            Visit the Premiere Website

                                       of Bruce Trinkley


            • Choral Music: Sacred and Secular              Two Invocations for choir and orchestra, dedicated to
             for Mixed, High and Low voices                 and performed by musicians in Lviv, Ukraine.

            • Introducing the Holiday Store, Sacred and Secular   One Life: The Rachel Carson Project, multi-media
             octavos for the holiday season                 cantata about the life and writings of the great scientist-
                                                            ecologist and author of Silent Spring
            • Arrangements of folksongs, hymns and spirituals
                                                            Music for our times:
            • Cantatas, Choral Cycles, Operas and Musicals  Idyll for chorus and piano, poem by Theodore Roethke
            • Solo Songs and Song Cycles with works especially   Elegy for chorus and piano, dedicated to those we have
             appropriate for student singers                lost to COVID

                         Peruse the scores and Listen to live or midi recordings

                     Bruce, a longtime member of ACDA, conducted the Penn State Glee Club for nearly four decades.
                               Works published by Alfred, Augsburg, Boosey and Hawkes, Carl Fischer,
                                      GIA, Hal Leonard, Hinshaw, Oxford and Subito Music.

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