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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference                               February 21-24, 2024                                       Louisville, Kentucky

        and is honored to continue the tradition of choral ex-  undergraduate conducting. In 2020, the ECU Cham-
        cellence with students in her community. Her choruses   ber Singers won second place in The American Prize
        consistently receive the highest ratings at music perfor-  in Choral Performance in the college/university divi-
        mance assessments and competition festivals. A former   sion. Franklin remains active as a guest conductor and
        district chairperson of the Florida Vocal Association,   clinician with invitations across the United States and
        Leahy holds a BME from the University of Miami and   abroad. In addition to his duties at ECU, he is a Gram-
        an MME from the University of Colorado at Boulder.  my-nominated  choral singer. Franklin holds  degrees
                                                            from Baylor University, Westminster  Choir College,
                                                            and the University of North Texas.

                      East Carolina University
                        Chamber Singers

           The ECU Chamber Singers is one of the premier
        choral ensembles in the United States. The ensemble
        maintains a vigorous performance and travel schedule
        and  focuses predominantly  on unaccompanied cho-
        ral literature for advanced chamber choir. The group
        of 36-40 auditioned  singers, primarily  voice  majors
        within the School of Music, has developed a national
        and international following due to a commitment to
        programming and performing quality choral music
        at the highest level. They have performed at various
        conferences, including National ACDA (2019), NCCO
        (2023), Southern ACDA (2020 and 2024), and North
        Carolina ACDA (2021).

                    James Franklin is the director of choral
                    activities  at  East  Carolina  University,
                    where  he conducts the  internationally
                    renowned ECU Chamber Singers, con-
                    ducts the University Chorale, directs the
        graduate program in choral conducting, and teaches

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            69
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