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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference                                                           February 21-24, 2024                                                             Louisville, Kentucky

                                Performing Choirs
                                P er f orming C  hoirs

                       Apopka High School                             Bak Middle School of the Arts
                             Belles                                             Chorale

           Belles, the  premier  treble  choir  at  Apopka High   Chorale, the premier mixed chorus at BAK Middle
        school, frequently performs at local and national col-  School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, FL, strives to
        leges/universities. Belles  performed  for  the  2021 FL   challenge its seventh- and eighth-grade members with
        ACDA Conference and has performed in venues such    demanding and interesting repertoire. Chorale is kept
        as Carnegie Hall, Orchestra Hall, and Steinmetz Hall.   busy throughout the year by performing at community
        Belles  comprises students in grades  10-12  who are   events and competing in festivals around the country.
        heavily involved in campus activities, playing sports, as   They consistently earn the highest ratings at district as-
        members and officers in the Student Government As-  sessments and have a tremendous legacy of performing
        sociation, and as members of National Honor Society.    at state, region, and national ACDA conferences.

                    Sandra Shafer is the  director  of choirs           Jorge Valls holds a BME from Palm
                    at her alma mater Apopka High School                Beach  Atlantic University. He is  cur-
                    and has  twice  been  named Teacher of              rently in his tenth year of teaching and
                    the Year at Liberty Middle School (2014)            his seventh year teaching at Bak Middle
                    and Apopka High School (2022). Student              School of the Arts. In addition to Bak,
        choirs under her direction have consistently received   he conducts the Men’s Chorus for the Young Singers
        superior ratings at district music performance assess-  of the Palm Beaches. Previously, Valls built the choral
        ment. As a performer, Shafer sings with the Orlando   program at Eagles Landing Middle School in Boca Ra-
        Sings Symphonic Chorus and Solaria Singers. In Or-  ton and was the associate director for the Girl Choir of
        lando Sings, Shafer also conducts the SSAA ensemble,   South Florida. He serves as the Middle School R&R
        Harmonia. She is an active conductor, clinician. and   Chair for Florida ACDA.
        adjudicator  throughout  Florida,  and has presented
        sessions  at  conferences of the  Florida  MEA and the          Carrie Leahy has taught for twenty-four
        Florida Vocal Association. She holds a bachelor’s from          years at the middle and high school lev-
        Stetson University in DeLand, FL.                               els in South Florida. She is currently in
                                                                        her second year teaching at Bak MSOA.
                                                                        Leahy grew up in Palm Beach County

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