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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference                               February 21-24, 2024                                       Louisville, Kentucky

                    handbell ensembles. In addition, she is the  and recordings on the Decca, Sony, and Naxos labels).
                    music director for Floyd Central’s Theatre  Forrest serves as editor at Beckenhorst Press and self-
                    Arts Department. She is also the artistic di-  publishes his concert music through The Music of Dan
                    rector of Voces Novae, a semi-professional  Forrest. He currently chairs the National ACDA Com-
                    chorus in Louisville, and a freelance col-  position Committee, serves as adjunct composition fac-
        laborative pianist. She holds degrees from the University  ulty at Furman University, mentors composers through
        of Louisville and is a National Board Certified Teacher.   the annual John Ness Beck Foundation Choral Com-
                                                            posers’ Workshop, and serves as artist-in-residence at
                                                            Mitchell Road Presbyterian Church (Greenville, SC).
                    Charles Anthony Silvestri    has provided
                    custom poetry, libretti, and other texts over
                    a decades-long career to almost a hundred           Jim Rittenhouse has been  director  of
                    composers globally. He has written for and          worship and music at Second Presbyte-
                    worked with world-class ensembles such              rian Church, Louisville,  since 2017. Sec-
        as VOCES 8, the King’s Singers, HGO, and the Tallis             ond’s  Sanctuary  Choir was  featured as
        Scholars. Silvestri speaks to choirs, classes, and concert      part of the ecumenical service at South-
        audiences about his works, the creative process, the mar-  ern ACDA in 2018. He  recently conducted  Haydn’s
        riage of words and music, and his collaborative relation-  Creation with the choirs from Second Presbyterian and
        ships with composers. He is the author of three books,  St. Francis in the Fields Episcopal. He holds the per-
        including A Silver Thread (GIA 2019), a retrospective of  former’s certificate and master of church music degrees
        almost  twenty  years of his lyric poetry. He  teaches at  from Southern Seminary. Rittenhouse  is a  frequent
        Washburn University.                                soloist with regional choral and chamber/orchestral
                                                            ensembles, including the Louisville Orchestra and the
                                                            Blanche Moyse Chorale in Vermont.
                    Talia Sheehan is a  fourth-generation  fe-
                    male  church musician,  ensemble  singer,
                    and music educator. She  has performed              Samuel Libra is organist and assistant di-
                    with Cappella Romana, the Grammy-                   rector of worship and music at Second
                    nominated Saint Tikhon Choir, the Gram-             Presbyterian Church of Louisville. A na-
        my-nominated PaTRAM Institute Singers, and Artefact             tive  of Minnesota, he graduated  from
        Ensemble. She is the director of the St. Tikhon’s Music         Luther  College  in  Iowa  and  completed
        Program, a one-year intensive music leadership residen-  graduate  studies at the  University  of Washington.
        cy for Orthodox Christian church musicians. She teach-  Libra can regularly be heard in worship and concert
        es voice, music theory, and liturgical music, and directs  accompanying  and performing solo works  on organ,
        three children’s choirs and a women’s choir. She is also  harpsichord, and piano. His research has focused on
        the co-founder and program director of Artefact Insti-  the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, specifical-
        tute, a collective of “culture creators” who work to build  ly the intersection between the organ and symphony,
        living contexts for the arts and community.         through the music of Charles-Marie Widor.

                    Dan Forrest’s music  ranges  from major
                    works for chorus and orchestra to smaller
                    choral  works, and is commissioned  and
                    performed around the  world (including
                    broadcasts on the BBC Proms and NPR

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            67
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