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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference                                                           February 21-24, 2024                                                             Louisville, Kentucky

                                Headliners/Special Events
                                                 pecial E
         nominated Saint Tikhon Choir, and artist-in-residence  Blosser became  the  artistic  director  of the  Louisville
         at St. Tikhon’s Monastery in Pennsylvania. His works  Chorus, one of Kentucky’s oldest choral arts organi-
         have been described as “brilliant” (Choir  & Organ),  zations. He is a former conducting fellow of the May
         “otherworldly” (Boston Musical Intelligencer), “evocative”  Festival Chorus in Cincinnati, and he has held faculty
         (Gramophone),  “extraordinary”  (Limelight),  and  “sim-  positions  at  Butler  University,  the  University  of  In-
         ply beyond praise for excellence” (Fanfare). His music  dianapolis, and Covenant Christian High School. He
         is published by Oxford University Press and Artefact  holds degrees in choral conducting from CCM and In-
         Publications and has been performed by many of the  diana University, and a BME from the University of
         world’s leading vocal ensembles.                   Indianapolis.

                         Christ Church UMC                              Floyd Central High School

                           Chancel Choir                                     Bronze Ringers

            The Chancel Choir of Christ Church United Meth-
         odist  is renowned  in Louisville  for  its  musical excel-
         lence, commitment to  service, and dedication to its
         community. In addition to their weekly musical offer-  Floyd Central High School’s two curricular hand-
         ings in Sunday morning worship, the Chancel Choir  bell ensembles are a unique component of our music
         performs concerts throughout the year that raise tens  department. Floyd Central Bronze Ringers has sixteen
         of thousands of dollars annually for social agencies and  ringers  in  grades 10-12. FCHS Handbell Ensembles
         non-profits both home and abroad. The choir is com-  are members of Handbell Musicians of America. The
         pletely  non-auditioned  and fully volunteer, believing  group performs on a 5-octave set of Schulmerich bells,
         that by making music together, we grow in relationship  a 3-1/2 octave set of Schulmerich bells, 5 octaves of
         with one another, learn to trust one another, see the  Schulmerich chimes,  lower  6th  and  7th  octave  Mal-
         value in one another, and share in adventures that build  mark chimes, and 2 octaves of Schulmerich Silver Mel-
         lifelong memories.                                 ody Bells.  Members have been selected for the Indiana
                                                            All-State Handbell Ensemble as well as the National
                     Daniel Blosser is the  director of music  Honors Handbell Ensemble.
                     and worship  at Christ Church United
                     Methodist, where he conducts five choirs  Angela Vaughan Hampton is in her twenty-ninth year
                     and oversees their robust music program  as director of choral music and handbells at Floyd Cen-
                     of over five hundred volunteers. In 2023,  tral High School, where she directs four choirs and two

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