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2024 ACDA Western Region Conference                   March 6-9, 2024                                           Pasadena, California

                     Chandler Children’s Choir                           Crystal Children’s Choir
                             Ad Astra

                                                              Established in 1994 within Northern California,
           In  its  fifteenth  season,  the  Chandler  Children’s   Crystal Children’s Choir was founded with the mission
         Choir created an ensemble of top performers ages 16-  to pursue choral music excellence and to serve as a cul-
         18 who demonstrated a desire to excel, naming it Ad   tural ambassador harmonizing the finest facets of East-
         Astra (to the stars). Many founding members had been   ern and Western cultures. Crystal singers from more
         singing with CCC since ages 6 or 7. Now high school   than 120 schools have graced the stages of numerous
         juniors and seniors, Ad Astra enables singers to launch   globally renowned venues. They  have performed at
         into future  musical opportunities  after  graduation,   conferences including Kodaly, CMEA, MENC, and
         either as a hobby or academic pursuit. In 2023 they   ACDA. Over the past three decades, they have estab-
         released an album, To the Stars: An Ad Astra Christmas,   lished an education platform that serves as a nurturing
         and were invited as featured performers at the Arizona   ground for choral arts and addressed the pressing need
         MEA conference.                                    for arts funding in California to provide a distinctive
                                                            musical experience for young singers.
                    Aimee Stewart is the founder and artistic
                    director of the Chandler Children’s Choir           Karl Chang has held the positions of co-
                    in Arizona.  Since  its  inception  in 2008,        founder, president,  and conductor of
                    CCC  has grown from a  young choir of               Crystal Children’s Choir since 1994. He
                    twenty-seven singers to a comprehensive             has  led performances  and interest ses-
         choral program with five choirs. She also conducts the         sions at ACDA conferences and is a fre-
         Chamber  Singers at  Chandler-Gilbert  Community   quently sought-after guest conductor for youth and col-
         College, the Tempe Community Messiah, has served   legiate choirs throughout Asia. Chang is the visionary
         as president of AzACDA, and currently serves as Com-  behind a 200 mixed-voice community chorus started
         munity & Children Youth R&R Chair for WACDA. In    at Stanford University in 1981. Over these forty-three
         2022 she was awarded AzACDA Choral Director of     years, he has served as the founding director, consistent-
         the Year. Stewart is in a master’s program for choral   ly igniting musical passion within singers from diverse
         conducting with Jace Saplan at Arizona State Univer-  backgrounds. He holds a doctoral degree in education
         sity. She enjoys skiing with her husband, Adam, and   leadership, an MBA, and an M.S. in engineering.
         their four children.

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