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2024 ACDA Western Region Conference                                                March 6-9, 2024                                                            Pasadena, California

                                          Performing Choirs
                                               orming C
                         Biola University                           Cal Poly University - San Luis Obispo
                             Chorale                                            Cantabile

           The Biola University Chorale comprises thirty-seven   Cal Poly Cantabile was founded in 2018 under the
        undergraduate voices from various disciplines on cam-  direction of Scott Glysson and is an advanced ensem-
        pus. Nationally, the Chorale has enjoyed performances   ble specializing in  the performance of repertoire for
        on the  Tonight  Show, at  Disney’s D23 Convention,  in   soprano and alto voices. With sixty singers represent-
        Carnegie Hall, and with the Pacific Symphony Orches-  ing nearly every major at Cal Poly, Cantabile is a more
        tra. Regularly touring domestically and internationally,   than 75 percent non-music major ensemble. Since its
        the Chorale’s most recent tours include South Korea,   creation, Cantabile has commissioned more than four
        Ireland, and Italy. Each spring they join forces with the   new works by contemporary composers and has a mis-
        Biola Symphony Orchestra for the performance of a   sion of creating, celebrating, and performing music of
        major choral-orchestral work. The Chorale performed   female composers. Cantabile has been honored with
        at ACDA  Western  Region Conferences in  2016 and   performance invitations to the California MEA Con-
        2020, and the NCCO’s 7th Biennial National Confer-  ference in 2021 and Lincoln Center NYC in 2022.
        ence in 2017.
                                                                        Scott Glysson  is the  director  of choral
                    Shawna Stewart is the director of cho-              activities  and vocal  studies at  Cal  Poly
                    ral studies at Biola University in La Mi-           University in San Luis Obispo, Califor-
                    rada, CA, where she conducts the Biola              nia. Glysson has been recognized for his
                    University Chorale  and  the  Vocal  Jazz   achievements in conducting in both the choral and or-
                    Ensemble. As  associate  professor, she   chestral genres. He has led performances on five con-
        teaches courses in conducting and choral  methods.   tinents and over ten countries. In 2013, Glysson was
        Stewart  holds degrees  from the  Eastman School of   a  finalist  in  the  ACDA  National  Choral  Conducting
        Music (M.M. Conducting), the University of Southern   Competition. Glysson was previously director of choral
        California (D.M.A. Choral Music), and has served on   activities at West Liberty University in WV and artistic
        the faculty at John Brown University and North Da-  director of the Tucson Masterworks Chorale. Glysson
        kota State College of Science. She has also held the   has presented and published in the fields of music edu-
        position of music director at several churches in CA   cation and musicology. He holds a DMA and MM in
        and NY.  She is the owner of and teacher at Children’s   choral conducting from the University of Arizona and
        Music Academy in Whittier, CA.                      a BME from George Mason University.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            171
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