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2024 ACDA Western Region Conference

                                         Headliners/Special Events
                                         H eadliners/S     pecial E  v en ts

                                                            tions in ACDA in Delaware and Boston and served as
                    Conducting Masterclasses                Western Region President (1980-82). Huszti was hon-
                                                            ored by CCDA with the Howard Swan Award in 2020.
                    Joseph Huszti,  Professor Emeritus,
                    retired from UC Irvine in 2014 after a
                    fifty-four-year  teaching  career,  thirty-         Iris S. Levine is  nationally recognized
                    seven at  UCI.  After  joining ACDA in              for  her  excellence  in choral  conduct-
                    1960 as the 214th member, he continues              ing. She is founder and artistic director
        to be active as a singer and conductor of the Men in            of VOX Femina Los Angeles, L.A.’s
        Blaque. During his tenure at UC Irvine, twenty-seven            premier  women’s chorus. Levine has
        international  concert tours  included prize-winning   charted VOX Femina on an impressive journey, build-
        performances at the International Musical Eistedfod,   ing its prominence in the choral community by way of
        the Bela Bartok International Choral Competition, the   numerous concerts and appearances at ACDA confer-
        Koorfest and the World Choir Games. Huszti headed   ences, Chorus America conferences, and more. Under
        the Young Vocalists Program at the Tanglewood Festi-  Levine’s artistic leadership, VOX Femina Los Angeles
        val from 1972 to 1977. Huszti has held leadership posi-  has commissioned more than fifty new works for wom-
                                                            en’s voices. Levine is faculty emerita at California State
                                                            Polytechnic University, Pomona, where she served as
                                                            director of choral activities, dean, interim provost and
              We’re coming to                               vice president for academic affairs. She has had former
            regional conferences!                           leadership roles as ACDA state, regional, and National
            Please visit our booth                          R&R Chair for Women’s Choruses.
            in Spokane, Omaha,
           Providence, Pasadena
                or Denver.
                                                                        Marcela Molina has been affiliated with
                                                                        the Tucson Girls Chorus since 2006, first
                                                                        serving as artistic  director  and taking
                                                                        the helm as executive director in 2011.
                                                                        Under  Molina’s guidance, the  Tucson
           We Only Offer One                                Girls Chorus has grown significantly in programming
                                                            and community engagement. With her leadership, the
           Tour: Yours                                      TGC has transformed into a vibrant and collabora-
                                                            tive organization that creates access to inclusive pro-
           Whatever your touring experience, interests or   gramming for youth, and provides resources to music
           goals, ACFEA Tour Consultants is dedicated to    educators and support to their classroom year-round.
           designing an exceptional tour — just for you.    In addition to her work with the TGC, Molina serves
                                                            as director of the Tucson Symphony Orchestra Cho-
                                                            rus.Born in Bogotá, Colombia, Molina holds degrees
                                                            from Westminster Choir College and the University of
                                                            Arizona. She was named 2019 Choral Director of the
   | | 800 627 2141   Year by Arizona ACDA.
            WST 601 273 533 | CST 2063085-40

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