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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                                                        February 28 - March 2, 2024                                        Providence, Rhode Island

                                         est S
                                  Interest Sessions
                         (re)sounding Joy:                  clude educational material recorded during the festival
            Paradigm Shifts for DEI Work in Choral Spaces   from practicing artists alongside the teaching of songs,
                                                            resources to engage in conversation with student and
                                                            community singers, a repertoire guide, historical con-
           Utilizing a trauma-informed approach, this session   texts and practices, and time for questions.
         will address equity through programming by highlight-
         ing repertoire written by historically excluded compos-        André de Quadros is a professor of music
         ers. Attendees will gain strategies for reframing or re-       at  Boston  University  with  affiliations  in
         placing potentially triggering or trauma-centered music        African, African American,  Asian, Jew-
         (as well  as other  harmful practices  in choral  spaces)      ish,  Muslim  studies, prison education,
         and expand singers’ awareness  and understanding—              Forced Migration, and Antiracist  Re-
         through repertoire—of cultures outside  their  own.   search. As an artist, scholar, and human rights activist,
         While still centering historically excluded voices, this   he has worked in over forty countries in diverse settings,
         session will help participants shift their DEI practices to   including professional ensembles, projects with prisons,
         create a more welcoming, safe, and joy-centered choral   psychosocial rehabilitation,  refugees, and victims  of
         space for all.                                     sexual violence, torture, and trauma. His work crosses
                                                            race and mass incarceration, peacebuilding, forced mi-
                    Alyssa J. Cossey (she/her)  is a conduc-  gration, LGBTQ+ folx, and Islamic culture. He directs
                    tor, singer, educator, and scholar. She is a   choral  projects in Indonesia, Sri  Lanka, the  United
                    contributing author for a new choral text   States, Israel and the Arab world, and the Mexico-US
                    on women composers (edited by Hilary    border.
                    Apfelstadt), an inaugural member of the
         professional women’s choir mirabai, and she is  cur-           Krystal Morin  (she/her)  is a  New  Eng-
         rently serving as associate director of choral activities      land-based conductor, singer, and educa-
         at Coastal Carolina University. Before relocating to the       tor who is passionate about leading sing-
         East Coast for love, she was an assistant professor of         ing experiences rooted in empowerment,
         choral music at the University of Arizona, and prior to        co-creation,  and storytelling. Morin’s
         that she taught both middle and high school choir in   background includes diverse music-making experienc-
         Southern California for nearly a decade.           es, including ten years as a public high school choir and
                                                            music  teacher, designing and implementing  curricu-
                                                            lums in varied settings, providing artistic development
                                                            and ensemble leadership, multi-modal artistic work in
                   Sama: Listening and Engaging             incarceration settings, field leadership, and experience

                  with Musics of the Muslim World           performing in a broad range of community and profes-
                                                            sional ensembles. Currently, she is a conductor for Bos-
                                                            ton Children’s Chorus, sings with VOICES 21C, and is
           Choral music of the Islamic tradition is often mis-  a teacher for Boston University’s Prison Arts Initiative.
         represented, and VOICES 21C seeks to create space
         for conversation and education about ways to authenti-         Brad Dumont is a  passionate  arts  advo-
         cally engage. This interactive session, focused on music       cate working to create and support artistic
         and culture of the Muslim world, will share our first-         projects that  contribute  to  cultural  im-
         hand experiences  as members  of the  international            provement and community-based arts ed-
         Sama Choral Festival alongside our work singing music          ucation. As a conductor, he believes in the
         of Islam across  the  world.  Our  presentation  will  in-  power of choral singing to build empathetic communi-

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