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February 23-26, 2022                                                      Raleigh, North Carolina

                      Louisville Chamber Choir                          Nashville School of the Arts


                                                              Cantabile is a treble ensemble for students in grades
           The Louisville Chamber Choir was founded in 2013  10-12 at Nashville School of the Arts, a Metro Nashville
        by Artistic Director Kent Hatteberg. While they perform  Public School, in Nashville, Tennessee. While most of
        primarily a cappella music, the singers regularly collab-  the students in Cantabile are part of the Choral Conser-
        orate with the Louisville Orchestra, including perfor-  vatory, there are also students in the band, theater, pia-
        mances of Bernstein’s Mass and Chichester Psalms, Orff ’s  no, and visual arts conservatories. Cantabile has consis-
        Carmina Burana, Mahler’s Symphony No. 2, Mozart’s Requi-  tently received superior ratings at both regional and state
        em, Monteverdi’s Vespers, and the annual presentation of  choral festivals. Cantabile students have earned seats in
        Handel’s Messiah conducted by Hatteberg. They released  ACDA National Honor Choirs, Tennessee All-State
        a recording of holiday music in 2017; a recording of  Choirs, MTVA Mid-State Honor Choirs, and MNPS
        sacred works by Brahms, Bruckner, Mendelssohn, and  Honor Choirs. Cantabile was selected to perform at the
        others was released in 2021.                        2019 Tennessee Music Educators Conference.

                    Kent Hatteberg, artistic director and di-          Trey Jacobs is in his fifth year as director

                    rector of choral activities at the University      of choral studies at Nashville School of the
                    of Louisville, earned his bachelor’s degree        Arts. Choruses under his direction have re-
                    in piano and voice from the University of          ceived superior ratings at the MTVA Cho-
                    Dubuque (Iowa) and the master’s and doc-           ral Festivals and ACDA State Choral Festi-
        toral degrees in choral conducting from the University   vals. He has conducted all-state choruses in three states
        of Iowa.  Named a Fulbright Scholar in 1990, he studied   and honor choirs in eight states. Jacobs is a four-time
        conducting with Uwe Gronostay and pursued research   CMA Music Teacher of Excellence recipient. Jacobs has
        on Felix Mendelssohn in Berlin. He is a frequent guest   completed his coursework toward a DMA in choral con-
        conductor, adjudicator, and lecturer, most recently in   ducting from Michigan State University, and holds an
        Korea, Thailand, Poland, China, the Philippines, Hun-  MM from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
        gary, and Austria. He has taught at Sam Houston State   and a BME from East Carolina University. Jacobs is a
        University (Huntsville, TX), Washington High School   four-time CMA Music Teacher of Excellence recipient.
        (Cedar Rapids, IA), and Solon Jr.-Sr. High (Solon, IA).

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            67
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