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2022 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference
Honor Choir C onduc t
Honor Choir Conductorsors
Collegiate Reading Choir years. She has been the guest conductor for the OAKE
National Children’s Choir, numerous ACDA All-State
Joe Miller is professor of conducting and Choirs, and NAfME. Dwyer has authored and published
director of choral studies at the Univer- three curriculum books for ICC and is a frequent guest
sity of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory author for the Hal Leonard choral textbooks series. In
of Music (CCM). In addition to his work retirement she continues to be a guest speaker/clinician
at CCM, Miller is artistic director of cho- for high-schools, colleges, universities, and professional
ral activities for the renowned Spoleto Festival USA music organizations.
in Charleston, South Carolina, and since 2016 he has
served as conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra Sym-
phonic Choir. From 2006 to 2020, Miller served as con-
ductor of the Westminster Choir and the Westminster Mid-Level T/B
Symphonic Choir. Miller received his DMA and MM
from CCM and his BM from the University of Tennes- Daniel Guttierez is a choir director at
see. Nixa High and Nixa Junior High School.
Accolades for his work as a teacher in-
clude being named Teacher of the Year
for Springfield Public Schools and South-
Join Voices Chicago Choir west Missouri (also a fi nalist for the state TOTY award),
Springfield Rotary Award for Outstanding Community
Marques L. A. Garrett is an assistant profes- Service, quarterfinalist for the Grammy National Mu-
sor of music in choral activities at the Uni- sic Educator Award, and the recipient of the Missouri
versity of Nebraska–Lincoln. He is an ac- Choral Directors Association Podium Award. He has
complished vocalist and composer with his presented for TEDx, as well as region and national
works available through several publishers ACDA conferences.
and performed by festival/honor choirs, all-state choirs,
and professional and university choirs such as Seraphic
Fire and the Oakwood University Aeolians. He regular-
ly serves as a choral clinician and guest conductor for SATB Mixed
festival and honor choirs throughout the country. He is
an active researcher with published articles and presen- Gary Packwood is an inspirational conduc-
tations on the choral music of Black composers. tor, pedagogue, and lecturer throughout
North and South America, Europe, and
Asia. Now in his 31st year, Packwood has
conducted all-state and honor choirs in 35
Mid-Level SSA states. Packwood is program administrator and director
of choral studies at Mississippi State University, where
Ruth E. Dwyer is internationally recog- he teaches undergraduate and graduate conducting,
nized as a treble and children’s choir spe- conducts the Mississippi State University State Singers
cialist and Kodály educator. Dwyer is the and the Men of State, and serves as the coordinator
Director of Education, Emerita of the In- of graduate music studies. He is a past president of
dianapolis Children’s Choir (ICC) where Southern ACDA (2017-2019) and is a Southern ACDA
she mentored music educators and conducted for 34 Representative for the NCCO.
54 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5