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February 23-26, 2022 Raleigh, North Carolina
2022 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference
Performing Choirs
Ball State University Bowling Green State University
Vox Anima Men’s Chorus
The Ball State University Vox Anima typically num-
bers 60-70 singers. It is a non-auditioned choir consist- The Bowling Green State University Men’s Chorus is
ing of a wide mix of singers of varying experience levels. open to all tenor and bass singing BGSU students, fac-
A core of singers, typically 25- 30 voices, is drawn from ulty, and staff by simple audition. The ensemble encom-
the sopranos and altos of our auditioned mixed-voice passes students from across many majors, representing
Concert Choir. The chorus rehearses twice a week for all seven colleges at the University, with over half of the
50 minutes each day. Vox Anima appeared at the 2018 members being non-music majors. During the group’s
Central/North Central ACDA Region Conference. 50 years of existence, the BGSU Men’s Chorus has
toured annually, produced numerous recordings, and
Kerry Glann serves as associate director of performed at state, regional, and national conferences
choral activities at Ball State University, and seminars of ACDA, NAfME (OMEA), and IMC.
where he conducts the Concert Choir and
Vox Anima, prepares opera choruses, and Richard Schnipke serves as associate pro-
teaches conducting and graduate choral fessor of music performance at Bowling
literature. He holds a BME from Bowling Green State Green State University, where he conducts
University, an MM from Kent State University, and a the Collegiate Chorale and Men’s Chorus
DMA from the University of North Texas. Glann is and teaches graduate and undergradu-
artistic director of Muncie’s Masterworks Chorale, a ate courses in choral conducting and choral literature.
60-voice community chorus. He is also director of mu- He holds degrees from Bowling Green State University
sic at First Presbyterian Church. He currently serves as and the Ohio State University, and has done additional
president of the Indiana Choral Directors Association. graduate studies at the University of Cincinnati Col-
lege-Conservatory of Music. Choirs under Schnipke’s
direction have sung for conferences of the Ohio MEA,
the Ohio Choral Directors Association, and the Ameri-
can Musicological Society.
CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5 37