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2022 ACDA Eastern Region Conference

                                           Interest Sessionsessions
                                           In t e r est S

        other engagements in North and  tion nationally. In November 2020,  ate Conference Chair for the 2023
        South America. Prior to that, she  ACDA National completed a formal  National ACDA conference. Cruz is
        served for 25 years as artistic direc- ADEI survey of our organization  a graduate of the Oberlin Conser-
        tor of Cantigas, the award-winning  designed by Dr. Antonio Cuyler.  vatory and the Eastman School of
        chamber choir of Latin American  Taking the results of this survey, the  Music.
        and Spanish music. Her composi- ACDA Diversity Initiatives Standing
        tions are published by Hal Leonard,  Committee has made recommenda-              David Fryling is direc-
        Boosey and Hawkes, and the Roger  tions to further ACDA’s ADEI work              tor of choral activities
        Dean Publishing Company.           and the Eastern region has already            at Hofstra University
                                           successfully implemented several              and founding conduc-
                                           initiatives that align with the recom-        tor/artistic director of
        Moderators’ Bios:                  mendations. Structured as a panel  eVoco Voice Collective. He’s the for-
                                           discussion and moderated by Wendy  mer director of choral programs at
                    J. Donald Dumpson  Moy, this session will be an oppor-   the Interlochen Summer Arts Camp,
                    is president/CEO of  tunity for attendees to hear about  and has served on the faculty of both
                    Diverse Arts Solutions,  these initiatives and ask questions of  the New York State Summer School
                    Minister of Arts at  panelists Arreon Harley-Emerson,  of the Arts School of Choral Stud-
                    Arch Street Presbyte- Chair of DIC; David Fryling, ACDA  ies and the Sitka Fine Arts Camp in
        rian Church, founding conductor  Vice President; and Penelope Cruz,  Alaska. In 2016-17 he was awarded
        of Westminster Choir College Jubi- Eastern ACDA Region President. By  American Prizes in conducting in
        lee Singers, New Jersey Symphony  providing session attendees with in-  the community chorus and college
        Orchestra Community Chorus, and  sight into diversity initiatives on the  and university divisions.
        the Philadelphia Heritage Chorale.  National and in the Eastern Region
        He has prepared choruses for Kath- levels, attendees will be equipped  Arreon A. Harley-Emerson is a clini-
        leen Battle, Andreas Bocelli, Deynce  with practical strategies to imple-  cian for this session. His photo and
        Graves, Philadelphia and New Jersey  ment ADEI practices in their own  bio are on page 24.
        Symphony Orchestras, and the New  choral communities.
        York and Philly Pops orchestras.                                     Wendy Moy is a clinician for this ses-
                                           Panelists’ Bios:                  sion. Her photo and bio are on page
        Julia Zavadsky is a clinician for this                               27.
        session. Her photo and bio are on             Penelope Cruz has
        page 20.                                      taught vocal and gen-
                                                      eral music at all grade
                                                      levels, conducted com-    Creating Choral Community:
                                                      munity children’s and       Coming Together in Song
              Identity, Inclusion, and     honor choirs, and sung profession-
                Excellence in ACDA         ally in Illinois, Wisconsin, and New   The purpose of this session is to
                                           York. Since 2003 she has been the  share and make music representing
           The purpose of this session is to  choral conductor at White Plains  diverse experiences. In this learning
        dialogue about accessibility, diver- (NY) High School. She is president  through performance opportunity

        sity, equity, and inclusion (ADEI)  of the Eastern ACDA Region. Un-  conference attendees will participate
        initiatives within the ACDA East- til recently, she was co-chair of the  in the music making process by en-
        ern region and the application of  inaugural National ACDA Diversity  gaging a wide range of repertoire
        these initiatives across the organiza- Initiatives Committee. She is Associ-  and conductor insights related to

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