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2022 ACDA Eastern Region Conference

                                        Honor Choir Conductorsors
                                        Honor Choir C     onduc   t

                              Gospel                                    Junior High/Middle School
              An SSAATTBB choir of 10th-12th graders                 An SATB choir of 6th-9th graders

                    Raymond Wise, a native of Baltimore,               Jessica Nápoles is interim chair of music
                    Md., earned a BM from Denison Univer-              education and associate professor of cho-
                    sity (Granville, Ohio). He did additional          ral music education at the University of
                    studies in opera, art, and German at the           North Texas. She teaches undergraduate
                    Institute for European Studies in Vienna,          coursework in choral methods, conducts
        Austria, and in African American History, Music, and  the Concert Choir, and mentors graduate students in
        Dance at San Francisco State University in San Francis-  research. A native of Florida with a Cuban-American
        co, California. Wise earned an MME, Ohio Teacher’s  background, Nápoles taught middle school chorus in

        Certification, and DME from the Ohio State University.  the public schools of Miami and Orlando, FL. She re-
        Wise currently serves on the faculty of Indiana Universi-  ceived her BME, MME, and PhD in Music Education
        ty in Bloomington, Indiana, where he serves as professor  from the Florida State University. Prior to her appoint-
        of practice in the African American African Diaspora  ment at UNT, she taught at the University of Utah for
        Studies department and instructs courses in African  11 years. Nápoles is a member of ACDA’s Research &
        American music. Wise is an ordained minister and has  Publications Standing Committee and will serve as the
        served as a church musician for more than 40 years.     assistant conference chair for the 2023 ACDA National

                   High School Grades 10-12 SATB

              An SSAATTBB choir of 10th-12th graders           Eastern Region Registration Information

                    Eugene Rogers is a two-time Michigan           Register at
                    Emmy Award winner, a 2017 Sphinx
                    Medal of Excellence recipient, and a 2015             Early Registration ends
                    Grammy Award nominee. He is recognized            11:59 PM CST January 13, 2022
                    as a leading conductor and pedagogue
        throughout the United States and abroad. In addition     Attendee $280   Retired $200  Student $100
        to being the founding director of Exigence, Rogers
        is the director of choirs and an associate professor of
        conducting at the University of Michigan. Recently, he   Registration after 11:59 PM CST January 13, 2022

        was named as the fifth artistic director of the two-time
        Grammy Award-winning ensemble, The Washington            Attendee $315   Retired $240  Student $150
        Chorus (Washington, D.C.). Rogers holds a BME from
        the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and an              On-site registration
        MM and DMA from U-M. He currently serves on the
        board of Chorus America and is the former national          One-Day $150 (only available on-site)
        chair of the ACDA’s Diversity Initiatives Committee.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            33
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